EIS: Environmental impact statement : Warkworth Mine
Environmental Impact Statement: The Temora gold project : an outline and preliminary environmental assessment
Environmental Impact Statement: Mount Arthur North Coal Project : water management study.
Environmental Impact Statement: Appendix 1 : Correspondence with government authorities and results from community consultation [on a proposed extraction industry (hard rock...
EIS: Environmental impact statement for an extension to existing sand extraction operations in the Macdonald River and adjoining area at "Tilmunda" Station, Bendemeer
Environmental Impact Statement: Gunlake Quarry Project: Modification of Project Approval 07-0074. Environmental assessment
Vol. 1. A report addressing the outstanding issues with the Development Application for the removal of the sand overburden -- v. 2. The EIS accompanying the Development...
Environmental Impact Statement: Statement of environmental effects for the deepening of Bass Point Quarry
v. 1. [Text] -- v. 2. Appendices -- v. 3. Figures --v. [4]. Summary & overview.
Environmental Impact Statement: Statement of environmental effects for proposed demolition of buildings, Boral Greystanes Road