Environmental Impact Statement: Statement of environmental effects (incorporating plan of management) for clay and shale extraction at Austral No. 3 Plant, Old Wallgrove Road,...
Environmental Impact Statement: Assessment of mineral resources in the Upper North East CRA study area
EIS: Kable's Transport Pty. Ltd. : environmental impact statement for the extension of permissive occupancy 64/2 for the extraction of friable sandstone at Clarence, N.S.W.
Environmental Impact Statement: Structural adjustment and mitigative processes in the Eden CRA : a social assessment : a report undertaken for the NSW CRA/RFA Steering Committee
EIS: Environmental impact statement : Proposed Molineux facility - LP storage Molineux Point, Port Botany for Skymill Pty Ltd (A subsidiary of Elgas Ltd)
Environmental Impact Statement: Environmental assessment of proposed Illawarra water filtration plant : determining Authority's report
Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed Mount Thorley open cut coal project-Singleton : environmental impact assessment
EIS: Environmental impact statement for sand extraction & processing plant at Cheesmans Road, Cattai N.S.W.
EIS: Proposed rock crusher and screening plant allied to increased extraction capacity at approved sand and gravel operation : portion 22, Parish of Gungoandra, County...
EIS: Environmental impact statement : proposed extension to clay-shale and ripped sandstone quarry - Lot 108 DP755240 Mangrove Mountain - City of Gosford