v.1. [Report] -- v.2. Appendices.
This is a repealed State Environmental Planning Policy and has been superseded by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts – Eastern Harbour City) 2021 as part of the...
EIS: Proposed Fingal Bay Road : Environmental impact statement
Environmental Impact Statement: Development application and statement of environmental effects pursuant to: SEPP 37 - continued extractive industries for the following existing...
EIS: Environmental impact statement for Cooranbong No. 2 colliery and overland conveyor for the supply of coal to Eraring Power Station
This is a repealed State Environmental Planning Policy and has been superseded by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts – Central River City) 2021 as part of the...
Volume 1. Text--Volume 2. Figures--Volume 3.Appendices 1-6--Volume 4. Appendices 7-16. This environmental impact statement identifies and assesses the potential environmental...
Environmental Impact Statement: Peppertree Quarry Modification 3 : environemtal assessment
Environmental Impact Statement: Planning focus document overland conveyor from Glendell Mine to Mount Owen Mine and modifications to coal preparation plant
EIS: Environmental impact statement, Nethercote Quarry, March 1984