Environmental Impact Statement: Statement of environmental effects and plan of management for the existing sand & gravel extraction at "Worners Pit" Kia-Ora Lane, Kangaloon
EIS: Environmental impact statement for the continued extraction of sandstone from Nolan's Quarry at Warragamba
EIS: Environmental impact statement : proposed sand and gravel extraction, Lot 21, DP555707, parish of Currandooly
The spatial dataset identifies the areas that Special Infrastructure Contributions(SIC) apply. Currently, there are ten SICs in place in NSW: Western Sydney Growth Areas SIC...
Environmental Impact Statement: Statement of environmental effects : proposed ridge gravel & decomposed granite extraction : portions 41, 126, 61, 54, 28, 106 Parish...
EIS: Environmental impact statement for hard rock quarry and processing plant at Bago, near Wauchope
Environmental Impact Statement: Issue paper : establishment of a quarry at Tin Pot Hill, Bland Shire : proposal prepared for H.R.D. Ready Mix Pty Ltd
EIS: Sand extraction : Hollywood Picnic and Caravan Park, Chipping Norton Lake Scheme : environmental impact statement
EIS: An environmental impact statement : extraction of sand proposal - Elderslie Watson - Tegel Blocks
With 19 folded illustrations, maps, plans and 6 appendices.