EIS: Environmental impact statement : proposed extension to clay-shale and ripped sandstone quarry - Lot 108 DP755240 Mangrove Mountain - City of Gosford
Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed Bulga coal mine : scope of proposed development and potential environmental issues : brief for planning focus meeting
Environmental Impact Statement: State highway 23. Section, Lookout Road to Newcastle Road : environmental impact assessment report
Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed mine rehabilitation plan for Ardlethan Tin N.L.
v. 1. Text -- v. 2. Appendices -- v. 3. Figures.
Environmental Impact Statement: Rehabilitation and environmental management plan for Z.C. Mines.
EIS: Proposed Falnash aggregate quarry near Portland : environmental impact statement for Leighton Contractors Pty. Limited
Environmental Impact Statement: Management options and scenarios to generate ESFM targets for the Eden RFA (Project Area 5)
Environmental Impact Statement: Environmental investigations and rehabilitation considerations at the Ottery Mine, Emmaville, N.S.W.
Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed extractive industry Culoul Range, Shire of Colo, N.S.W. : Autobric Industries Pty Ltd. mining lease and mining purposes lease applications