Environmental Impact Statement: Development application : continued operations gravel extraction SEPP37 : "Springwater" lot 544 DP 736015, Parish of Tomaga, Shire of Eurobodalla...
EIS: Environmental impact statement -- extraction of hard rock to supply an existing crusher, Pt. por. 102, Ph. Sutton Forest, Exeter, Shire of Wingecarribee
EIS: Environmental impact statement for the mining and beneficiation of magnetite at Tallawang, N.S.W.
EIS: Environmental impact statement in support of a lease application to mine coal by open cut within the colliery holding. Volume 1.
Environmental Impact Statement: Medowie environmental study : a report
Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed extractive industry, Wallgrove Road, Wallgrove
Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed Saxonvale coal mine : environmental impact assessment
EIS: Barnard River water supply project : environmental impact statement : report on examination of submissions
The data represents Bulk Water Supply Infrastructure for EPI.
EIS: An environmental impact statement to accompany a development application for the extraction of yellowblock sandstone at McCaffery's site, Pyrmont, City of Sydney