EIS: PGH Limited trading as PGH Clay Bricks and Pavers : environmental impact statement for extensions to Blue Gum Quarry at George Booth Drive, Kurri Kurri
Environmental Impact Statement: Preliminary environmental survey : Drake prospect N.S.W. : vegetation, fuana, water quality, archaeology
Environmental Impact Statement: Springvale Colliery February 1994 environmental management plan
Environmental Impact Statement: Rehabilitation and environmental management plan : Minerals, Mining and Metallurgy Limited : South Mine, Broken Hill.
EIS: Environmental impact statement : Mitchell's Creek gold mine, Bodangora, N.S.W.
Environmental Impact Statement: E.I.S. proposed sand dredging & land fill work : Lot 156 D.P. 628026, Creek Street, Hastings Point ; client, Mr. N. Wintour
Environmental Impact Statement: Air quality in the Illawarra : a study of trends in air pollution levels and air pollution control in the Illawarra from 1976 to 1985
Environmental Impact Statement: Mount Arthur North Coal Project water management strategy for 3.5 M.t.p.a. Product.
Environmental Impact Statement: Development application : proposed sand extraction and agricultural land rehabilitation at Lot 3 DP 567166, Old Northern Road, Maroota, Shire of...
Environmental Impact Statement: Report, geotechnical investigation, lowwall & spoil pile stability, proposed surface coal mine, Mt. Thorley, N.S.W. for R.W. Miller & Co....