EIS: Environmental impact statement for proposed sand extraction : Lot 1 DP 535947 and Lots 1, 2 and 3 DP 634989, Sackville Ferry Road, Sackville Ferry in the Shire of Baulkham...
EIS: Environmental impact statement for the upgrading of the Bringelly brick and paver manufacturing plant, Greendale Road, Bringelly
Environmental Impact Statement: Environmental assessment of the proposed Ivanhoe Open Cut No. 1 (Huon) Coal Mine at Mt. Piper, New South Wales.
EIS: Sand and gravel extraction at Gosforth : environmental impact statement
V. 1:1: Traffic assessment -- 2:Concept design -- 3:Noise and vibration -- 4:Air quality -- 5:Hydology and flooding -- 6:Cultural heritage -- V. 2: 7:Aquatic ecology and water...
EIS: Mulyan Quarry expansion environmental impact statement : supplementary report
EIS: Environmental impact statement for the extraction of river sand and gravel from the Hunter River - Rouchel Brook confluence at "Rouchelbourne" Dangarfield lots 14 and 15 DP...
EIS: Environmental impact statement : establishment of the "Glen Isla" Quarry, at Tin Pot Hill, Bland Shire
Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed extraction industry, Codys : summary information for planning focus meeting
Environmental Impact Statement: Lambton Colliery, Redhead, conservation plan