The vegetation of Gamilaroi Nature Reserves is described and mapped (scale 1:50 000). This reserve is park of the NSW National Park and Wildlife Service estate. Four communities...
The NSW Estuary Health Risk Dataset was created to support Stage 1 of preparing Coastal Management Programs under the NSW Coastal Management Manual (2018). The dataset...
The NSW Woody Vegetation Extent & FPC 2011 is a state-wide classification of woody vegetation and Foliage Projection Cover (FPC) derived from multitemporal 5m SPOT-5...
Vegetation map digitised from Porteners, M.F. (2000). Vegetation Survey of Mullion Range SRA & Wambool, Freemantle, Girralang & Eugowra Nature Reserves (Central West...
The Biodiversity Conservation Lands dataset has been compiled for the Central Coast and interpreted as presenting planning constraints at three scales: State: Areas identified...
Byron Bay Dry Graminoid Clay Heath (BBDGCH) Endangered Ecological Community (EEC) mapping by Andy Baker. Also known as Clay Heath or Graminoid Clay Heath or Byron Bay Clay...
Benson and Howell (1994) Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Vegetation Mapping - Explanatory Notes for the Wollongong 1:100 000 Vegetation Map Sheet. Composition and extent of the...
Sugarloaf State Conservation Area Vegetation Map. A vegetation survey was undertaken within Sugarloaf State Conservation Area and adjacent lands, located near Lake Macquarie in...
The NABERS Energy Explorer (formerly NABERS Home Rating Tool) is a free application that aims to promote energy efficiency in Australian homes. Users are invited to answer...
Riparian vegetation and wetlands The riparian vegetation and wetland spatial dataset was developed to provide an up to date (2018) and fine scale extent of surface water...