The thirteen NSW Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs) are required to update their Catchment Action Plans (CAPs) in a process to be completed by early 2013. The CAPs are...
NPWS Snowy Mountains Region, Upper Murray Area sought tenders for vegetation mapping of three new reserves within its region in September 2003. The vegetation maps of the...
Mummel Gulf State Conservation Area vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2007 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland Region. Mummel Gulf State...
A map of the high ecological value waterways and water dependent ecosystems for the Blacktown LGA was prepared by the Science Division of the Department of Planning, Industry...
This dataset is “Regional Biodiversity Corridor Mapping” which is a sub-component of “High Environmental Value” (HEV) land, as mapped and referred to in the Illawarra Shoalhaven...
- SEED Web Map
The vegetation of Midkin Nature Reserves is described and mapped (scale 1:50 000). Four communities are defined based on classification (Kulczynski association). These four...
This record is now superseded. The current record for ‘Transitional – Vulnerable Regulated Land' can be viewed here. Vulnerable Regulated Land layer is a component of the Native...
Map from Beckers, D. & Binns, D. (May 2000). Vegetation Survey and Mapping (Stage 1). NSW Western Regional Assessments. RACAC. ; API map of floristics in areas previously...
The NSW 5m Woody Extent is a state-wide binary classification of woody vegetation derived from multitemporal 5m SPOT-5 satellite imagery. The product broadly identifies isolated...
View Dataset 1 citation -
Most of the native vegetation in the Blue Mountains City has been mapped using orthorectified infrared aerial photographs flown at a minimum resolution of 1:6000 from December...