Fire severity is a metric of the loss of biomass caused by fire. In collaboration with the NSW Rural Fire Service, DCCEEW Remote Sensing & Regulatory Mapping team has...
- SEED Web Map
The SeaBed NSW program provides data on the structure and composition of the seabed adjacent to our beaches. This program is funded through the NSW Coastal Reforms, combined...
- SEED Web Map
NSW is the leading state in implementing standardised water resource accounting. Our General Purpose Water Accounting Reports (GPWAR) adopt the Australian Water Accounting...
These datasets represent management units within in-force water sharing plans across NSW, including regulated, unregulated and groundwater plans (or a combination of these). The...
View Dataset 1 citation -
The Department of Planning and Environment – Water is working to make models and data publicly available. These can be grouped into three high level categories: 1) Climate Data:...
This dataset identifies high ecological value waterways and water dependent ecosystems for the 184 coastal catchments in NSW. The purpose of the dataset is to identify strategic...
A collection of Integrated High Ecological Value assets that form the natural hydrological grid across 34 Local Government Areas within the Greater Sydney Region. This data has...