Remediation action plan for the Eastern sector of the St Marys property - Fora and Fauna Assessment - July 2003
Proposed Wonderland business park development Wallgrove Rd Eastern Creek - December 2002
Proposed Banksia Grove residential development - assessment of the potential impact on Amphibian Fauna - January 2001
Lake Illawarra entrance works project (Stage 2) Volume 1 - January 2005
Green and Golden Bell Frog monitoring at Sydney Olympic Park - Annual Report July 2003-June 2004
Flora Assessment - Proposed Banksia Grove residential subdivision Bundock St Randwick Appendices January 2001
Flora Assessment - Proposed Banksia Grove residential subdivision Bundock St Randwick January 2001
Shark Park Woolooware future land use assessment Flora & Fauna Assessment December 2000
Final Report - Decision Points for Biodiversity Lower Hunter and Central Coast regoinal biodiversity strategy
Wilsonia backhousei draft management plan Sydney Olympic Park Authority - February 2003