PLEASE NOTE: IBRA 4.1 is a historical dataset and has been superseded by subsequent versions. IBRA Version 4.1 is regarded as the best available GIS representation of the...
This data set shows the administrative catchment boundaries as defined under the NSW Soil Conservation Act. Boundaries east of the Lachlan were gazetted around 1986. Western...
Areas of single beam Bathymetric data and coastal topography data, collated by the Coastal and Marine Unit (OEH). Includes coverage of Coastal, Estuarine and Other surveys as...
The NSW Koala Strategy identifies 50 koala populations in New South Wales based on the Areas of Regional Koala Significance (ARKS) identified by the NSW Government (DPIE 2020),...
- SEED Web Map
This dataset identifies estuaries that are vulnerable or susceptible to the impacts of land-based inputs of pollutants such as urban stormwater or agricultural runoff. A higher...
The Biodiversity Investment Opportunities Map (BIO Map) is a key deliverable of the NSW Government’s $40 million Green Corridors program, a Government priority action identified...
The Biodiversity Investment Opportunities Map (BIO Map) is a key deliverable of the NSW Government’s $40 million Green Corridors program, a Government priority action identified...
The spatial extent of seabed habitat data collected & collated for New South Wales Coastal waters. The HABMAP program has provided fine scale benthic habitat information for...
Heritage Operations Subregion Boundaries (formerly Cultural Heritage Division Boundaries) consist of six broad areas - North West, North East, North Metro, South Metro, South...
Areas of fine-scale Bathymetric and relative acoustic Backscatter data produced using a mounted Geoswath 125KHZ Interferometric sidescan sonar system, by the HABMAP program....