Vegetation survey and mapping of Killarney State Conservation Area in 2008, commissioned by NPWS Narrabri Region. Six communities were determined based on floristic analysis of...
GHD Pty Ltd (GHD) has been engaged by Kempsey Shire Council (KSC) to prepare a Vegetation Distribution Map and Endangered Ecological Communities Map for the portion of the Shire...
Vegetation types present on Kajuligah were interpreted from aerial photography onto air photo overlays. Source of digital version of the map is unknown. 1:60,000 scale air...
The JVMP has produced a "predicted potential vegetation distribution model" that showed the potential for a particular vegetation group, expressed as a probability, to occur in...
The JVMP produced an extant vegetation model, presented in mapped form, for the BBS bioregion. The map shows the modelled distribution of extant vegetation, identified through...
These maps (koor.) were prepared by Geoffrey Winning, Shortland Wetlands Centre Ltd. for input into the management plan for Kooragang and Hexham Swamp Nature Reserves in 1996...
These maps (koor.) were prepared by Geoffrey Winning, Shortland Wetlands Centre Ltd. for input into the management plan for Kooragang and Hexham Swamp Nature Reserves in 1996...
These maps (koor.) were prepared by Geoffrey Winning, Shortland Wetlands Centre Ltd. for input into the management plan for Kooragang and Hexham Swamp Nature Reserves in 1996...
These maps (koor.) were prepared by Geoffrey Winning, Shortland Wetlands Centre Ltd. for input into the management plan for Kooragang and Hexham Swamp Nature Reserves in 1996...
Vegetation Mapping of the Tomago Precinct of Hunter Wetlands National Park undertaken by ecobiological for NPWS in 2012. Field data was collected at 647 points and 12 permanent...