(Draft) Toward an interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia V3_1 April 1994.
Flora and fauna supplement report, Wallarah Prudential Project Stage 1
Flora and Fauna Impact StatementTimbarra Gold Project via Tenterfield Capricornia Prospectin Pty Ltd (April1995)
Environmental Impact Statement - Kempsey Water Supply Augmentation. Fattorini-Frenchmans Creek Dam (Jan. 1995)
Wedderburn Fauna Planning Study. (SJXK000615FJ-KC) (Feb. 1996).
The flora and fauna of Jindalee State Forest, South Western Slopes, NSW (SSYK02041807-3I, SSYK020419) (Sept. 2000).
Statement of Environmental Effects for Mummulgum Fine Sand Quarry. Lot 118, Parish of Mummulgum. DP728233 (SJXK000616BF-CT) (Sept. 1995).
Statement of environmental effects for Mallanganee Road Base Gravel Quarry. Lot 2, Parish of Sandilands. DP560513. (Sept. 1995).
Small Mammal Trapping Report. Tomago Aluminium Company Pty Limited (SJXK000615DI-DY) (Oct. 1996).
Searches for the Black-eared Miner in New South Wales, 1997 (SJXK0005031K-3C. SJXK00050400-0C) (June. 1998).