Brookvale brickworks proposed residential development flora & fauna assessment (Sep 2000)
EIS: Continued gravel extraction operations May 2001 (1996-97 Doc 96-97-1)
Proposed residential development July 1998 (1996-36-4 Doc 96-36 (4)-2 Vol 2)
Proposed residential subdivision species impact statement February 2001 (1996-152 Doc 96-52-1)
Proposed Regentville substation and transmission connections working papers for environmental assessment
EIS: Proposed gravel quarry & plant hire operation
EIS: Proposed electricity transmission lines Penrith - Regentville - Glenmore Park
Newcastle City Council for the proposed residential development and subdivision of Lot 4 DP843780 Fletcher (Vol 2)
Newcastle City Council for the proposed residential development and subdivision of Lot 4 DP843780 Fletcher (Vol 1)
EIS: Maryland to Shortland Rising Main (Final report)