Euroka Nature Conservation Trust Property vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2010 by contract for the Nature Conservation Trust. The Euroka Property is...
Booroolong Nature Reserve vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2014 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland Region. Booroolong Nature Reserve lies...
Timbarra National Park vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2011 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland Region. Timbarra National Park is located 28km...
Eco Logical Australia was commissioned by the NSW Parks and Wildlife Service and the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to undertake vegetation survey,...
Eco Logical Australia was commissioned by the National Park and Wildlife Service (NPWS) to undertake vegetation survey and mapping of Coolah Tops National Park in 2019. The...
Ironbark Nature Reserve and the Bornhardtia Voluntary Conservation Area vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2002 by contract for the NPWS Northern...
Imbota Nature Reserve vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2003 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland Region. Imbota Nature Reserve is located...
Eco Logical Australia (ELA) was commissioned by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) through the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) to undertake...
Bolivia Hill Nature Reserve vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2002 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland Region. It is described in the Vegetation...
Maryland National Park vegetation mapping was undertaken by Dr John T. Hunter in 2006 by contract for the NPWS Northern Tableland Region. Maryland NP lies within NSW...