Benson and Howell (1994) Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Vegetation Mapping - Explanatory Notes for the Wollongong 1:100 000 Vegetation Map Sheet. Composition and extent of the...
Sugarloaf State Conservation Area Vegetation Map. A vegetation survey was undertaken within Sugarloaf State Conservation Area and adjacent lands, located near Lake Macquarie in...
This dataset was derived from the primary "SLATS Landsat woody change data (25m) for 1988 - 2010" raster (grid) layers used to generate the annualised woody vegetation change...
"This map and report (cited below) present the results of research on the rate of change of native woody vegetation in the Central New South Wales wheatbelt. The study was...
The Native Vegetation (Single Attribute) - Moggumbill 7928 dataset is a digital spatial layer which identifies areas of native vegetation for the Moggumbill 7928 1:100 000 scale...
A map of the high ecological value waterways and water dependent ecosystems for the Blue Mountains LGA was prepared by the Science Division of the Department of Planning,...
Montane lake (lagoon) point locations of the New England Tablelands Bioregion. The vegetation of montane lagoons of the New England Tablelands Bioregion, New South Wales is...
Mapping of the foraging habitat areas of the Grey-headed Flying-fox in New South Wales. The Grey-headed Flying-fox is listed as a threatened species under State and Commonwealth...
Habitat maps (presence-absence models, presence-only models or habitat maps derived directly from vegetation mapping) were developed using ArcView for fauna of conservation...
The Native Vegetation (Single Attribute) - Hay 7828 dataset is a digital spatial layer which identifies areas of native vegetation for the Hay 7828 1:100 000 scale map sheet....