Native vegetation mapping undertaken as part of the Native Vegetation Mapping Program (NVMP), covering the Dry Lake, Gunbar, Hay, Moggumbil, One Tree and Oxley 1: 100 000 map...
"Vegetation map digitised from Porteners, M.F. (1998). Vegetation Survey of Mt Kaputar National Park (Southern Portion). Report for the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service....
The Biodiversity Conservation Lands dataset has been compiled for the Lower Hunter and interpreted as presenting planning constraints at three scales: State: Areas identified as...
The Biodiversity Conservation Lands dataset has been compiled for the Mid North Coast and interpreted as presenting planning constraints at three scales; State: Areas identified...
This layer identifies lands of high conservation value suitable for investment in conservation through a range of mechanisms. This could be achieved through mechanisms such as...
The Cessnock Regional Biodiversity Management Plan constitutes the national regional recovery plan under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 for...
The Monaro and Werriwa Tablelands Cool Temperate Grassy Woodlands (respectively Monaro and Werriwa) have been nominated by the NSW Scientific Advisory Committee as Critically...
- SEED Web Map
The purpose of this study was: (1) to create maps of the distribution of vegetation communities in the Gwydir Wetlands at decadal intervals, (2) to define trends in the...
View Dataset 1 citation -
This data layer shows the distribution of Candidate Old Growth forest and other Successional Stages across all tenures in Upper and Lower North East New South Wales as required...
This dataset provides detailed regional vegetation mapping. It maps across 15 adjoining 1:100 000 sheets for the following: extant native vegetation, extant native vegetation by...