Vegetation survey and mapping of Playgan addition to Mt Kaputar NP in 2008, commissioned by NPWS Narrabri Region. Eight communities were determined based on floristic analysis...
The operational map for Swamp Sclerophyll Forest (SSF) was constructed to resolve long-standing issues surrounding its identification, location and extent within the NSW State...
CRAFTI stands for Comprehensive Regional Assessment Aerial Photograph Interpretation. In response to the National Forest Policy Statement, CRAFTI was designed as part of the CRA...
Modelled pre-1750 Vegetation of Gundagai Shire. Pre-European vegetation was modelled to show the distribution of the major vegetation types across Gundagai Shire prior to...
The composition and extent of the present vegetation within the Gerara addition to Ledknapper Nature Reserve is described and mapped. Thirty quadrat-based sites were sampled,...
"This map and report (cited below) present the results of research on the rate of change of native woody vegetation in the Central New South Wales wheatbelt. The study was...
The key habitats have been identified at a regional scale as the most important extant vertebrate fauna habitats in Nandewar. They are derived from (i) most of the largest...
To maximise outcomes for biodiversity over such a large area like NSW, decisions on where to invest need to be made carefully. In response to this, the NSW Government developed...
This spatial layer contains summary flora and fauna biodiversity survey data derived from project specific surveys conducted for the Biodiversity Conservation in the Sheep Wheat...
The vegetation & florisitcs of Boomi Nature Reserve is described and mapped (1:50 000). Six communities were mapped based on ground truthing, air photo interpretation and...