This layer contains digital mapping of the native vegetation communities of the Sydney Metropolitan area. Vegetation communities have been derived from the analysis of 2200...
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A dataset of Native Vegetation Extent for NSW, prepared for the NRAC grassland mapping project NRP009 PART B. Raster grid, NSWVEGEXT08, with a land cover classification...
Amalgamation of Mt Kaputar South (Porteners 1998) and Mt Kaputar North (Hunter 2000) vegetation maps. This dataset was created to provide a consistent vegetation map of the...
Map of the distribution of each forest ecosystem across extant forest in the Lower North East CRA region. Three separate classifications and mapping techniques were used to...
The objective of this project was to accurately define and map the vegetation communities occurring on the Bellata, Gravesend, Horton and Boggabri map sheets (the study area) at...