This single layer captures critical environmental features and biodiversity persistence for Cessnock Local Government Area (LGA) which covers 196,468 ha. The layer is in raster...
The Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan (the CPCP) facilitates growth in Western Sydney to 2056 and beyond, and delivers important development and biodiversity outcomes. The CPCP...
The Biodiversity Conservation Lands dataset has been compiled for the Mid North Coast and interpreted as presenting planning constraints at three scales State: Areas identified...
This dataset models habitat and connectivity for native vegetation and is used to define the Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Biodiversity Corridors which is a sub-component of...
This dataset is “Regional Biodiversity Corridor Mapping” which is a sub-component of “High Environmental Value” (HEV) land, as mapped and referred to in the Illawarra Shoalhaven...
- SEED Web Map