DPIE Science_BRHP_WQ and Bug Data_2018-2020

Download URL: https://datasets.seed.nsw.gov.au/dataset/98be08e2-1bf6-4415-8479-9258a9cf862b/resource/c50cc178-5389-4792-8236-dd6651c18814/download/dpie-sciencebrhpwq-and-bug-data2018-2020.xlsx

Bellingen Riverwatch Health Project Data 2018-2020

Field Value
Data last updated 16 June 2021
Created 16 June 2021
Format XLS
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
  • Data quality statement for Bellinger River Health Program 2017-2020: DPIE...

  • Data collected for the Bellinger River Health Program by the Estuaries and...

  • Shapefile download package