

Field Value


Greater Hunter Native Vegetation Mapping v4.0. VIS ID 3855

Alternative title(s)



This dataset was superseded by the State Vegetation Type Map ( on 24.06.2022.

The GHM geodatabase builds on a wealth of information and previous mapping from the Hunter region. Existing field data, mapping, classification and remote sensing interpretation were augmented with new survey data to produce the vegetation community classification used in this project. The classification used a series of well documented analyses as well as expert review to achieve its end-point. The GHM geodatabase contains two principal vegetation layers. The GHM Vegetation Type layer and the Canopy Cover (v2) layer (individual tree crowns or clumps of tree crowns). The GHM also contains field plot localities, associated species information and plot-specific photographs. Data specific to each polygon (e.g. crown cover) and to each native vegetation community type (e.g. common name, scientific name) are included. Polygons, the fundamental spatial units, are built from computer-based feature recognition which delineates landscapes patterns. The GHM Vegetation Type map is built by attributing individual polygons with vegetation type from the GHM floristic classification through a multi-stage process. The process includes visual interpretation of SPOT 5 and ADS40 imagery as well as species distribution modelling and expert review. The project included a review of existing mapping and classification and established equivalences between these and the GHM Classification. VIS ID 3855

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Data Quality Statement

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Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


DQS - Greater Hunter Native Vegetation Mapping v4.0. VIS ID 3855

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Greater Hunter Native Vegetation Mapping v4.0. VIS ID 3855 Documentation

Name: Greater Hunter Native Vegetation Mapping v4.0. VIS ID 3855 Documentation

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


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Greater Hunter Native Vegetation Mapping v4.0. VIS ID 3855

Name: Greater Hunter Native Vegetation Mapping v4.0. VIS ID 3855

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


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Greater Hunter Native Vegetation Mapping v4.0. VIS ID 3855 Geodatabase

Name: Greater Hunter Native Vegetation Mapping v4.0. VIS ID 3855 Geodatabase

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


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Unique resource identifier



Presentation form

Map digital


Not known

Dataset language


Metadata standard


ISO 19115



Dataset URI


To classify and map native vegetation communities across the greater Hunter region, including Hawkesbury Nepean CMA. The classification is intended to be integrated into the NSW Plant Community Type Classification for use in NSW assessment and regulatory tools. Version 4 of the map and classification should be regarded as draft, and may undergo minor changes as it is integrated into the NSW PCT and subsequent tools.


Under development

Spatial representation



Spatial reference system

Code identifying the spatial reference system


Equivalent scale


Additional information source

Greater Hunter Native Vegetation Mapping v4.0 is a draft dataset undergoing review. The vegetation types represented will not be altered but their distribution may be subject to change.This project was funded by Catchment Action NSW, with additional funding and material contributions from the Office of Environment and Heritage, Hunter Councils Inc, and Hunter Central Rivers Catchment Management Authority. For more information see:Sivertsen, D., Roff, A., Somerville, M., Thonell, J., and Denholm, B. 2011. Hunter Native Vegetation Mapping. Geodatabase Guide (Version 4.0), Office of Environment and Heritage, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Sydney, Australia.

Classification of spatial data and services

Field Value

Topic category


Field Value

Keyword set

keyword value


Originating controlled vocabulary


ANZLIC Search Words

Reference date


Geographic location

West bounding longitude


East bounding longitude


North bounding latitude


South bounding latitude


Vertical extent information

Minimum value


Maximum value


Coordinate reference system

Authority code


Code identifying the coordinate reference system


Temporal extent

Begin position


End position


Dataset reference date

Resource maintenance

Maintenance and update frequency


Contact info

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Quality and validity

Field Value


Vegetation patterns at the stand scale were delineated using automated feature recognition software. Definiens eCognition was used to define segments with low internal variation (low heterogeneity). Pan-sharpened SPOT5 data (5m) from multiple years formed the basis of the segmentation. The data had been pre-processed to accentuate the range of spectral responses or colours. The spatial resolution is 5m and the minimum mappable unit was set to 400m2. The polygon boundaries have been smoothed and narrow slivers were eliminated. There were two stages in the feature recognition approach. The first stage was optimised to differentiate woody and non-woody vegetation. The second stage was optimised to differentiate vegetation patterns within the extent of woody vegetation. The first stage employed multi-temporal pan-sharpened SPOT - 5 data (5m). Only the red band (610-680nm) from each SPOT image was used to maximise the characteristic stability of woody vegetation over time. Each object was then classified as woody, non-woody and ‘other’ using the Crown Cover v2 layer and visual interpretation. For stage two the boundaries within the woody vegetation were dissolved and new objects were created within their boundaries using stretched, multi-temporal imagery. The contrast of all bands was increased using an adaptive equalisation stretch to maximise the separability of discrete vegetation patches within mosaics. The vegetation map was created by attributing vegetation polygons with a vegetation type. There are multiple stages involved but the fundamental steps are as follows: Survey sites that meet quality criteria are assigned a GHM type label using PATN analysis. Vegetation map units were defined using a hierarchical modelling approach that included the manual allocation of Keith Formation using visual identification, the use of a species distribution model to calculate the probability of GHM type in each polygon using environmental layers and a set of expert rules is developed to combine the formation classification and the modelled results. The results undergo visual quality assurance, again using manual image interpretation.

Constraints related to access and use

Field Value

Limitations on public access

Data Quality

Field Value



DQ Completeness Commission

Effective date



As with almost all vegetation modelling exercises, the short-coming of having too few samples per community was an issue in the Hunter. 243 PCT’s were identified in the Hunter region, with the number of plots per PCT ranging from 0 to 155; and only 53 PCT’s having 30 or more plots. All PCT’s with plot data were modelled (236 PCT’s); however the results of PCT’s with low samples sizes have not been validated. 5297 site records with 2050 taxa were used in the model. 20% of sites were allocated for validation were removed. Consistent with the DECCW Native Vegetation Interim Type Standard (Sivertsen, 2009), the test plots were used to quantify the performance of the final result on the basis of the number of GHM community types mapped in three classes (see Gopal and Woodcock 1994). In preparation for analysis a table of ‘Acceptable Mapping Alternatives’ was prepared (see Appendix E). The aim of this table was to identify clusters of structurally and floristically similar communities which for validation purposes are considered interchangeable and ‘acceptable errors’ in mapping. For example Water Gum Riparian rainforests (MU012) and River Oak riparian forests (MU196) occur both as separate entities as well as mosaics along rivers on the Lower North Coast. Similarly, Spotted Gum communities MU82, 83 and 84 are only discernible on the ground by the frequency of certain species of ironbark and the understory composition. In both these cases distinguishing the individual communities reliably, given the available survey data, ground truthing and remote sensing techniques used, may be beyond available capacity and resources and therefore constitute ‘acceptable errors’ in mapping . Following Gopal & Woodcock (1994), three categories are recognised: 'CORRECT' where either the first vegetation community assigned in the field validation polygon corresponds with the mapped unit. 'ESSENTIALLY CORRECT' where either the first vegetation community falls within the defined cluster of ‘Acceptable Mapping Alternatives’ and one of those alternative corresponds to the Mapped MU, it is deemed to be incorrect but acceptable. 'INCORRECT' where the first or alternative does not match the Mapped MU. Of the 1022 available independent survey sites (rapid and full floristic) 65.3% were considered to have the 'CORRECT' or 'ESSENTIALLY CORRECT' GHM type. Details of the validation for each map unit are presented in Appendix D of the Geodatabase Guide.

DQ Completeness Omission

Effective date


DQ Conceptual Consistency


Schema rules were influenced by the NSW Interim Vegetataion Type Standard.

DQ Absolute External Positional Accuracy


The mapping is based on SPOT 5 data that has been geometrically corrected.The raw digital numbers were pan sharpened (creating a 5m layer). The extent of woody vegetation is based on a classification of SPOT 5 data over three time periods.Geometeric accuracy is commensurate with 1:25,000 scale aerial photographic interpretation.

DQ Non Quantitative Attribute Correctness


Of the 1022 available independent survey sites (rapid and full floristic) 65.3% were considered to have the 'CORRECT' or 'ESSENTIALLY CORRECT' GHM type. Details of the validation for each map unit are presented in Appendix D of the Geodatabase Guide.

Responsible organisations

Field Value

Responsible party

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata on metadata

Field Value

Metadata point of contact

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata date


Metadata language