
Download URL: https://datasets.seed.nsw.gov.au/dataset/f393ec22-d873-4304-bf08-c13305779684/resource/209b093d-4407-4da5-9525-38de6e5b5b91/download/2019-2021_basin_plan_reporting.zip

Dataset description:

Under the NSW DPIE-EES Environmental Water Management Program the distribution and extent of inundation is monitored in large inland floodplain wetland assets which are targeted for...

Source: Inundation Maps for NSW Inland Floodplain Wetlands 2019-2021

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Field Value
Data last updated 7 December 2021
Created 7 December 2021
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
  • Data quality statement for Inundation Maps for NSW Inland Floodplain Wetlands...