

Field Value


Murray-Darling Basin floodplain vegetation mapping, Darling - VIS_ID 4454

Alternative title(s)



The Murray-Darling Basin Plan (available at was developed under the Commonwealth Water Act 2007 and aims to deliver a coordinated approach to water use by States and Territories in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB), underpinned by a commitment to restoring the long-term health of rivers and wetlands in the Basin. To achieve this, the Basin Plan sets a long term average Sustainable Diversion Limit (SDL) for surface water and groundwater use across the major valleys in the MDB, and incorporates an Environmental Watering Plan (EWP) that ensures surplus water beyond SDLs is made available for the natural floodplain and wetland systems. The EWP is central to the Basin Plan as it aims to achieve the best possible environmental outcomes in its use of environmental water, in terms of size, timing and nature of river flows. The EWP is supported by the Environmental Water Recovery Strategy, a voluntary water buyback instrument (SEWPAC 2012).

The long term average SDL for surface water flow is currently set by the Basin Plan at 10,873 gigalitres per year (GL/y). This includes 3,468 GL/y for the northern Basin, which establishes a water ‘saving’ of 390 GL/y from water allocations previously set under the Living Murray initiative (MDBA 2011). These savings are available as ‘environmental water’ which is regulated by the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office (CEWO) via the EWP.

Water allocations in the northern Basin are currently under review via the Northern Basin Review, which is due for finalisation in mid-2016. This review is expected to improve environmental science in relation to floodplain systems in the Condamine-Balonne and Barwon-Darling River systems, and may recommend changes to the Basin Plan accordingly. A key part of the Review is to improve knowledge about environmental assets within river systems of the northern Basin (e.g. floodplain and wetland vegetation, fish, water birds), and how they respond and interact to fluctuations in surface water flow. Improved knowledge about the native vegetation of inland floodplain systems is fundamental to the Northern Basin Review.

To improve information about the distribution and extent of floodplain and wetland vegetation types in the northern Basin, Eco Logical Australia (ELA) was commissioned by the Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) to map the distribution of plant community types (PCTs) within a large section of the Darling floodplain west of Louth, and within the Condamine-Balonne system south of the NSW-Queensland border. An improved knowledge about the distribution and extent of floodplain PCTs will inform how environmental water allocations might be refined, and is thus an important component of the Northern Basin Review.

For more information please refer to the technical report Eco Logical Australia 2015. Vegetation of the Barwon-Darling and Condamine-Balonne floodplain systems of New South Wales: Mapping and survey of plant community types. Prepared for Murray-Darling Basin Authority.

Attributes: PCT_ID = NSW Plant Community Type Code PCT_LABEL = Plant Community Type Label BROAD_VEG = Broad Vegetation Type HYDROL_ECOL = Hydro-Ecological Functional Group VEG_FORMAT = Vegetation Formation VEG_CLASS = Vegetation Class Floodplain = Floodplain vegetation (yes or no) MAP_LABEL = Short vegetation label suitable for display on map products RE = Regional Ecosystem Code RE_LABEL = Regional Ecosystem Label ACCURACY = Attribute accuracy (values 1 to 5) 5 - Verified in the field by either full floristic, rapid or API (observational) site 4 - Not verified in the field but likely to be correct due to extrapolation from similar verified pattern or verified in field but uncertain of boundary 3 - Probably correct although could be one of a few related communities 2 - Possibly correct but might be one of several other communities 1 - Unlikely to be correct VIS_ID 4454

Resource locator

Data Quality Statement

Name: Data Quality Statement

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Data Quality Statement for Balonne MDB vegetation map data

Function: download

Murray Darling Basin Authority - Darling Floodplain vegetation map

Name: Murray Darling Basin Authority - Darling Floodplain vegetation map

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Download VIS4454 Data Package

Function: download

Unique resource identifier



Presentation form

Document digital



Dataset language


Metadata standard


ISO 19115



Dataset URI


To map the distribution of plant community types (PCTs) within a large section of the Darling floodplain west of Louth south of the NSW-Queensland border. For more information please refer to the technical report Eco Logical Australia 2015. Vegetation of the Barwon-Darling and Condamine-Balonne floodplain systems of New South Wales: Mapping and survey of plant community types. Prepared for Murray-Darling Basin Authority.



Spatial representation



Geometric Object Type


Spatial reference system

Code identifying the spatial reference system


Spatial resolution

12 m

Additional information source

Ref:Eco Logical Australia 2015. Vegetation of the Barwon-Darling and Condamine-Balonne floodplain systems of New South Wales: Mapping and survey of plant community types.Prepared for Murray-Darling Basin Authority. See also related dataset for Balonne floodplain (VIS_ID 4453)

Classification of spatial data and services

Field Value

Topic category


Field Value

Keyword set

keyword value


Plant Community Type


Originating controlled vocabulary


ANZLIC Search Words

Reference date


Geographic location

West bounding longitude


East bounding longitude


North bounding latitude


South bounding latitude


Vertical extent information

Minimum value


Maximum value


Coordinate reference system

Authority code


Code identifying the coordinate reference system


Temporal extent

Begin position


End position


Dataset reference date

Resource maintenance

Maintenance and update frequency


Contact info

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

Murray-Darling Basin Authority

Responsible party role


Quality and validity

Field Value


This project involved the detailed mapping of PCTs across the extent of the study region guided by on-screen aerial photographic interpretation, incorporation of existing map data, and an extensive program of field reconnaissance.

Constraints related to access and use

Field Value

Limitations on public access

Data Quality

Field Value



DQ Topological Consistency


geometrically & topologically correct

DQ Non Quantitative Attribute Correctness


ACCURACY = Attribute accuracy values 1 (low) to 5 (high)

Responsible organisations

Field Value

Responsible party

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

Murray-Darling Basin Authority

Responsible party role


Metadata on metadata

Field Value

Metadata point of contact

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

Murray-Darling Basin Authority

Responsible party role


Metadata date


Metadata language