

Field Value


Nearshore subtidal marine reef systems and soft sediment mapping, New South Wales

Alternative title(s)



Near-shore reef boundaries mapped from available aerial photography over a range of years and scales. The mapped reef boundaries represent the greatest extent of reef observed over multiple years ie. mapped reef area includes reefs prone to intermittent sand inundation. Unrectified photos were used. Mapping has been conducted in several stages with the current version 5 being extended to include the coast between Port Jackson and Newcastle. Clarence River and Tweed Heads. Mapping is effectively complete with about 0.2% of the NSW coast remaining unmapped due to a number of reasons - unavailability of suitable aerial photos; poor visibility through the water column in deep nearshore zones (eg Sydney Heads south). This mapping was conducted by NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, and is owed jointly by NPWS, NSW Fisheries, NSW Marine Parks Authority, NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation and Environment Australia. Aerial photos used in this process were provided by NSW Dept of Land and Water Conservation's Specialist Coastal and Floods Unit.

Resource locator

Data Quality Statement

Name: Data Quality Statement

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


DQS for Nearshore subtidal marine reef mapping

Function: download

Nearshore Subtidal Marine Reef data package

Name: Nearshore Subtidal Marine Reef data package

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Data package including data, reports, and associated documentation...

Function: download

Unique resource identifier



Presentation form

Document digital



Dataset language


Metadata standard


ISO 19115



Dataset URI


This coverage is intended for used in regional level marine conservation assessment. It was prepared using very low cost techniques (ie. unrectified API) and should not be relied upon for navigation purposes. THIS DATA IS NOT SUITABLE FOR NAVIGATION PURPOSES.



Spatial representation



Spatial reference system

Code identifying the spatial reference system


Spatial resolution

50 m

Additional information source

ATTRIBUTES:;SUBSTRATE Categories: "Reef": includes bedrock, bolder/cobble fields, barrens below the approximate astronomical low water mark; "Sand": includes sand and soft sediments;"Emergent": includes emergent and intertidal components of islands and rocks derived directly from the AMBIS low water coverage (Marine). Emergent areas should be treated as outside in any analysis of subtidal (ie. below astronomical low water) habitats. For delineation of intertidal and supratidal components of these 'emergent' units use the complementary intertidal coverage;"Outside": includes areas not covered by available aerial photography, or bottom was not clearly visible through the water column.;HABITAT Categories (on selected reef only):"Barrens" : Large areas of unvegetated reef, grazed and maintained by urchins;"Fringe" : Includes vegetated reef;"Sand": includes areas of sand and soft sediments;"Emergent": includes emergent and intertidal components of islands and rocks derived directly from the AMBIS low water coverage (Marine). Emergent areas should be treated as outside in any analysis of subtidal (ie. below astronomical low water) habitats. For delineation of intertidal and supratidal components of these 'emergent' units use the complementary intertidal coverage; "Outside": includes areas not classified to habitat level, along with areas not covered by available aerial photography, or where bottom type was not clearly visible through the water column.;METHOD:;Aerial photos of varying scales (generally 1:10,000, but ranging from 1:8,000 to 1:40,000) and dates (1970's to 2000) were traced onto 1:25,000 scale topographic maps using a 'Zeiss - Aero Sketchmaster'. Only photos with sharp visibility through the water column were utilised. Multiple photos where viewed and traced for any one location with the final linework representing the greatest extent of reef visible over the period examined. Obvious algal drifts were excluded. Photos and digitised composite remain un-rectified. No ground truthing conducted, but reliance on experience of interpreter and capacity to check reef boundary positions at a site across a time series of photo images. The AMBIS 1995 low water coast ('marine') was editied into the coverage. Where, the AMBIS coast was not available (eg behind bay closures), the coastline from LIC 1:25,000 topos was applied.Where clear images allowed, additional attributes, habitats (ie barrens, fringe) where mapped on a selection of reefs. The attribute accuracy of these habitat features remains unvalidated and should be consided to be of poor quality at this point in time.

Classification of spatial data and services

Field Value

Topic category


Field Value

Keyword set

keyword value









Originating controlled vocabulary


ANZLIC Search Words

Reference date


Geographic location

West bounding longitude


East bounding longitude


North bounding latitude


South bounding latitude


NSW Place Name

NSW Coast

Vertical extent information

Minimum value


Maximum value


Coordinate reference system

Authority code


Code identifying the coordinate reference system


Temporal extent

Begin position


End position


Dataset reference date

Resource maintenance

Maintenance and update frequency


Contact info

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Quality and validity

Field Value


Lineage:; Mapping has been conducted in five stages.; Version 1: The first stage of the 'Nearreef' coverage mapped the area from Woody Head (29 22'S) to Sawtell (30 22' 30'' S). This work was initiated in 1996 by the NPWS and completed with funding from the recently established NSW Marine Parks Authority in preparation for the development of zonation plans for the Solitary Island Marine Park. The coverage was prepared in ERMS and converted to ArcView. Reef boundaries from unrectified aerial photos were transferred onto 1:25,000 topographic sheets using a Zeizz Aero Sketchmaster before being digitised. The coastline was digitised directly from the 1:25,000 topo sheets.; Version 2: Second stage extended mapping from Sawtell to Newcastle. Data capture was conducted at NPWS with funding from the NSW Marine Parks Authority and Environment Australia as part of the Manning Shelf Bioregional Assessment. Methodology remained essentially the same as stage 1, however data capture in stage 2 was achieved using ArcInfo GIS software and the 1:25,000 Topographic map coastline was replaced with the AUSLIG/AMBIS 1995 low water coastline ('marine').; Version 3: Third stage extended mapping from Port Jackson (ie.Sydney) south to Cape Howe (ie. NSW-Victorian Border). Mapping was undertaken by NPWS in mid 2001 with funding from NSW Fisheries. Methods used were identical to those in Stage 2 except that additional reef habitats (ie barrens, fringe) were mapped for selected areas south of Sydney.; Version 4: Fourth stage extended mapping north from Woody Head (29 22'S) to Tweed Heads (ie.NSW - Queensland border). Mapping was undertaken by NPWS in mid 2001 with funding from the NSW Marine Parks Authority as part of the investigations into the Byron Bay Marine Park proposal.; Version 5: Fifth stage essentially complete the last major stage in the mapping of the NSW coast, between Sydney and Newcastle. Mapping was conducted by NPWS with funding from NSWF.; Positional accuracy:; Fair. Upto +/- 50m. Error due to tracing of unrectified aeral photos; Attribute accuracy:; Fair for substrate (sand, reef) categories.; Poor for reef habitat categories (barrens, fringe).; No ground truthing conducted. Possible confunding effect of algae drifts generally eliminated by viewing multiple images of any one site.; SUBSTRATE Categories; 'Reef': includes bedrock, bolder/cobble fields, barrens below the approximate astronomical low water mark.; 'Sand': includes sand and soft sediments; 'Emergent': includes emergent and intertidal components of islands and rocks derived directly from the AMBIS low water coverage (Marine). Emergent areas should be treated as outside in any analysis of subtidal (ie. below astronomical low water) habitats. For delineation of intertidal and supratidal components of these 'emergent' units use the complementary intertidal coverage.; 'Outside': includes areas not covered by available aerial photography, or bottom was not clearly visible through the water column; HABITAT Categories (on selected reef only); 'Barrens' : Large areas of unvegetated reef, grazed and maintained by urchins.; 'Fringe' : Includes vegetated reef; 'Sand': includes areas of sand and soft sediments; 'Emergent': includes emergent and intertidal components of islands and rocks derived directly from the AMBIS low water coverage (Marine). Emergent areas should be treated as outside in any analysis of subtidal (ie. below astronomical low water) habitats. For delineation of intertidal and supratidal components of these 'emergent' units use the complementary intertidal coverage.; 'Outside': includes areas not classified to habitat level, along with areas not covered by available aerial photography, or where bottom type was not clearly visible through the water column; Logical consistency:; Good. Good reef boundary consistency between years, although sand drift (constriction of some reefs) was observed.; Completeness:; Version 5 maps reefs along the whole NSW coast (ie Tweed Heads to Cape Howe); reefs are mapped in waters upto 1km offshore and in depths upto 20m. A number of small gaps exist in the cover where suitable images were not availble, or where wave exposure and excessive depth obscured reef visibility. Version 5 essentially completes the mapping of the NSW nearshore zone. Only,0.2% remains unmapped.

Constraints related to access and use

Field Value

Limitations on public access

Data Quality

Field Value



DQ Completeness Commission

Effective date


DQ Completeness Omission

Effective date


DQ Conceptual Consistency

Effective date


DQ Topological Consistency

Effective date



Fair for substrate (sand, reef) categories.Poor for reef habitat categories (barrens,fringe). No ground truthing conducted. Possible confunding effect of algae drifts generally eliminated by viewing multiple images of any one site.

DQ Absolute External Positional Accuracy

Effective date



Fair. Upto +/- 50m. Error due to tracing of unrectified aeral photos

DQ Non Quantitative Attribute Correctness

Effective date



Fair for substrate (sand, reef) categories. Poor for reef habitat categories (barrens, fringe). No ground truthing conducted. Possible confunding effect of algae drifts generally eliminated by viewing multiple images of any one site.

Responsible organisations

Field Value

Responsible party

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata on metadata

Field Value

Metadata point of contact

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata date


Metadata language