

Field Value


NSW 1500K Simplified Surface Geology

Alternative title(s)

NSW Simplified Geology


The surface geology of NSW, including the type, location and age of rocks and deposits, and geological boundaries. The New South Wales 1:1 500 000 scale geology map represents an up-to-date synthesis of the surface geology of the state. The map has been compiled principally from 1:250 000 scale geological map data from the Geological Survey of New South Wales. This data has undergone substantial simplification and harmonisation both for display at 1:1 500 000 scale and to reconcile nomenclature and mapping mis-matches across the borders of its map tiles and jurisdictional boundaries. Due to the substantial simplification and generalisation which has occurred during editing, it is not recommended that the map or data be used at scales smaller than 1:1 500 000. For more detailed studies, the user is referred to the Geological Survey of New South Wales 1:250 000, 1:100 000 and 1:25 000 scale series geological maps.

Resource locator

Show on SEED Web Map

Name: Show on SEED Web Map

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Display dataset on SEED's map

Function: download

Data Quality Statement

Name: Data Quality Statement

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Data quality statement for NSW 1500K Simplified Surface Geology

Function: download

WMS - NSW 1500K Simplified Surface Geology

Name: WMS - NSW 1500K Simplified Surface Geology

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Web Map Service (WMS) is a standard protocol for serving georeferenced map images over the internet that are generated by a map server using data from a GIS Database (NSW Government - Spatial Web Services Register June 2015). WMS allows a user to spatially visualise the dataset, but not query its features. This service is aimed at advanced geographical information users, and will require access to geographical information system (GIS) software such as QGIS and ArcGIS/ArcMap.

Function: download

WFS - NSW 1500K Simplified Surface Geology

Name: WFS - NSW 1500K Simplified Surface Geology

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download

Function: download

Unique resource identifier



Presentation form

Document digital



Dataset language


Metadata standard


ISO 19115



Dataset URI


Geological information



Spatial representation



Geometric Object Type


Spatial reference system

Code identifying the spatial reference system


Equivalent scale


Classification of spatial data and services

Field Value

Topic category


Field Value

Keyword set

keyword value


Originating controlled vocabulary


ANZLIC Search Words

Reference date


Geographic location

West bounding longitude


East bounding longitude


North bounding latitude


South bounding latitude


Vertical extent information

Minimum value


Maximum value


Coordinate reference system

Authority code


Code identifying the coordinate reference system


Temporal extent

Begin position


End position


Dataset reference date

Resource maintenance

Maintenance and update frequency

Not planned

Contact info

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

Department of Regional New South Wales

Telephone number


Facsimile number

02 9995 5999

Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Quality and validity

Field Value


Between 2001 and 2004, a ‘best available’ 1:250 000 scale geology of the NSW was compiled as part of the NSW Statewide Geology Geodatabase project (Xie 2003). The data for the project was obtained from the Geological Survey of New South Wales 1:250 000 series geological and metallogenic map sheets, along with several regional synthesis projects which were completed between 1995 and 2003 (Figure 1). These synthesis datasets were typically compilations of the existing best available series geological mapping with additional data added from thesis maps and geological interpretation of geophysical and remote sensing imagery. The various datasets were brought together in an ESRI geodatabase format by Xie (2003) and given a common data structure and attribute tables. No attempt was made to resolve edge-match problems between sheet and dataset boundaries. Between 2003 and 2005, a team from Geoscience Australia (Liu et al. 2005) generalised the New South Wales geology dataset of Xie (2003) to produce a seamless 1:1 000 000 scale geology map of NSW. In addition, the team added provisional datasets from the Goulburn and Cargelligo 1:250 000 mapping project areas and 1:100 000 scale mapping from the Cobar and Nymagee 1:250 000 map sheet areas. Synthesis datasets from western New South Wales (Laing et al. 1996) and the Murray Basin region (Brown & Stephenson 1991) were also integrated (Figure 1). The Geoscience Australia team then produced a seamless state dataset by edge matching the various source datasets which often did not agree due to their widely varying ages and compilation scales. Adjustment of some of the older geological datasets was made using geophysical data interpretation, particularly where poor edge matching or spatial accuracy (± 1 km) was identified in the source data. Due to the 1:1 000 000 scale, many smaller units from the 1:250 000 source datasets were deleted, merged or enlarged. Between 2006 and 2008, Gary Colquhoun (Geological Survey of New South Wales) performed substantial edits on the Geoscience Australia 1:1 million scale geology dataset with the aim of producing a New South Wales geology map at 1:1 500 000 scale. These edits comprised: Simplifying the geological unit symbology by changing from a stratigraphic unit-based code to an age-lithology code (see below for explanation). •Merging many units as a result of this code simplification. •Deleting, or merging many polygons which were too small for display at 1:1 500 000 scale. •Substantial generalisation of geological linework to reduce nodes for smoother display. •Subdividing plutonic and volcanic rocks based on type (I-type, Stype, etc). These data were derived from a variety of sources, namely: Eastern Lachlan Orogen Geoscience database (Glen et al. 2006); NSW AMIRA geochemical database; and numerous unpublished geochemical datasets held by the Geological Survey of New South Wales. •Many areas were reclassified to emphasise bedrock data rather than a thin veneer of regolith (eg. Qr/Ks was reclassified as Ks not Qc). This involved merging and simplifying many hundreds of rock unit polygons. •Minor changes in stratigraphic nomenclature were made to make the data consistent with the Eastern Lachlan Orogen dataset (Glen et al. 2006). •To enable easier simplification to 1:1 500 000 scale, the original Cobar and Nymagee 1:250 000 metallogenic sheet data were added, replacing many 1:100 000 scale datasets added by Geoscience Australia in these areas. •The finalised Cargelligo 1:250 000 geology map (Meakin et al. 2006) was added and simplified. An updated preliminary Goulburn 1:250 000 geology map was also added and simplified.

Constraints related to access and use

Field Value

Limitations on public access

Responsible organisations

Field Value

Responsible party

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

Department of Regional New South Wales

Telephone number


Facsimile number

02 9995 5999

Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata on metadata

Field Value

Metadata point of contact

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

Department of Regional New South Wales

Telephone number


Facsimile number

02 9995 5999

Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata date


Metadata language