

Field Value


Soil and Land Resources of Central and Eastern NSW


This map is a compilation of seven published Soil and Land Resource products which contain baseline natural resource information for the:

These products were undertaken to enhance knowledge of soils, landscapes and physical constraints to land use in the urban and rural environment. The information will assist in informed decision making, planning and environmental modelling throughout the catchments. The Soil and Land Resource mapping for the Merriwa Plateau and Moree Plains were funded to especially improve existing soil landscape information so more accurate Land and Soil Capability (LSC) and Soil Fertility information would be available to upgrade future Biophysical Strategic Agricultural Land (BSAL) mapping under NSW Strategic Regional Land Use Policy (SRLUP).

One thousand, one hundred and seventeen map units have been described in this combined Soil and Land Resource product. Each soil landscape unit is an inventory of soil and landscape information with relatively uniform land management requirements, allowing major soil and landscape qualities and constraints to be identified. Soils are described using the Australian Soil Classification and the Great Soil Groups systems.

Online Maps: Part of this area is also covered by other soil mapping products, see the soil map index in eSPADE. eSPADE contains a suite of soil and landscape information including soil profile data. Many of these datasets have hot-linked soil reports. An alternative viewer is the SEED Map; an ideal way to see what other natural resources datasets (e.g. vegetation) are available for this map area.

Reference: Office of Environment and Heritage, 2018, Soil and Land Resources of Central and Eastern NSW, Version 3, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney.

Resource locator

Data Quality Statement

Name: Data Quality Statement

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


DQS - Soil and Land Resources of Central and Eastern NSW

Function: download

Show on eSPADE Web Map

Name: Show on eSPADE Web Map

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


View dataset on eSPADE spatial viewer.

Function: download

Soil and land resource data package

Name: Soil and land resource data package

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Download package: shapefile and reports

Function: download

Land and soil information web page

Name: Land and soil information web page

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


About land and soil information in NSW - DPIE's data systems and map products.

Function: download

DPIE's Land and soil website

Name: DPIE's Land and soil website

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Soil information, mapping & management; land degradation & geodiversity.

Function: download

Unique resource identifier



Presentation form

Map digital


3.0 (v180206)

Dataset language


Metadata standard


ISO 19115



Dataset URI


Support natural resource management and decision making.



Spatial representation



Geometric Object Type


Geometric Object Count


Spatial reference system

Code identifying the spatial reference system


Equivalent scale


Classification of spatial data and services

Field Value

Topic category


Field Value

Keyword set

keyword value











Originating controlled vocabulary


ANZLIC Search Words

Reference date


Geographic location

West bounding longitude


East bounding longitude


North bounding latitude


South bounding latitude


NSW Place Name

Central and Eastern NSW

Vertical extent information

Minimum value


Maximum value


Coordinate reference system

Authority code


Code identifying the coordinate reference system


Temporal extent

Begin position


End position


Dataset reference date

Resource maintenance

Maintenance and update frequency

As needed

Contact info

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Quality and validity

Field Value


The mapping undertaken by the NSW Government (Department of Conservation and Land Management, Department of Land and Water Conservation, NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change and Water and Office of Environment and Heritage) was created using:

Liverpool Plains - * existing published soil landscape mapping (Curlewis, Blackville, Tamworth, Baan Baa – Liverpool Plains portion and Murrurundi 1:100,000 map sheets); * existing draft soil landscape mapping for parts of Tambar Springs, Boggabri, Manilla and Coolah 1:100,000 sheets within the Liverpool Plains Catchment.. It was co-funded by the Natural Heritage Trust.

Hawkesbury-Nepean - * existing published soil landscape mapping (Braidwood, Sydney, Wallerawang, St Albans, Katoomba and Gosford/Lake Macquarie 1:100,000 map sheets); * existing unpublished 1:100,000 scale mapping, co-funded by the Sydney Catchment Authority. * new mapping and upgrading of existing mapping for parts of Oberon, Bathurst, Wollongong, Penrith, Moss Vale, Mt Pomany, Cessnock, Mudgee and Howes Valley 1;100,000 sheets within the Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment. Co-funded by the Natural Heritage Trust.

Merriwa Plateau -+ * existing published soil landscape mapping (Blackville and Murrurundi 1:100,000 map sheets); * new mapping and minor upgrading of existing mapping for parts of Merriwa, Muswellbrook Gulgong, Coolah, Blackville and Murrurundi 1:100,000 map sheets. Funded by National Partnership Agreement through the NSW Department of Primary Industries.

Moree Plains - * new soil landscape mapping covering the following complete or part 1,100,000 map sheets: Thallon, Burrenbar, Boomi, Goondiwindi, Yetman,Mogil Mogil, Bunarba, Moree, Croppa Creek, Collarenebri, Bunna Bunna, Bellata, Gravesend, Pilliga, Wee Waa, Narrabri, Gwabegar, Baradine and Baan Baa. Funded by National Partnership Agreement through the NSW Department of Primary Industries.

Murray catchment * existing published 1:100,000 scale soil landscape mapping (Holbrook and Wagga Wagga soil landscapes) with some improved delineation of rolling and steep terrain on Siluran granite parent materials on the Holbrook sheet. * existing unpublished reconnaissance 1:100,000 scale soil landscape mapping with minor linework rectification, Southern Comprehensive Regional Assessment (SCRA) project mapping covering the Kosciuszko and Jacobs Creek map sheets; * Existing unpublished reconnaissance 1:250,000 – 1:500,000 scale soil mapping, collected as part of the Healthy Soils, Healthy Landscape project; * New linework at reconnaissance 1:100,000 scale (Rosewood and Yarrangobilly map sheets).

Australian Captial Territory - * existing published soil landscape mapping (Canberra and Michelago 1:100,000 map sheets); * new soil landscape mapping (part Brindabella and Tantangara 1:100,000 map sheets).

Hunter Region * existing published 1:100,000 soil landscape mapping (Blackville, Dungog, Murrurundi, Port Stephens, Sydney, Newcastle, St Albans, Wallerawang, Gosford/Lake Macquarie 1:100,000 map sheets). Some linework and attribute changes were made in these mapping areas;

  • existing published 1:100,000 soil and land resources mapping (Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment, Merriwa Plateau and Liverpool Plains) Some linework and attribute changes were made in these mapping areas;

  • new mapping for partial or entire Gulgong, Merriwa, Muswellbrook, Camberwell, Ellerston, Upper Manning, Wingham, Camden Haven, Bulahdelah, Foster, Mudgee, Mount Pomany, Howes Valley, Cessnock 1:100,000 map sheets.

Other existing mapping including Soil Landscapes of the Dubbo and Singleton 1:250,000 sheets and Soil Landscapes of the Hunter Councils Region where also used when upgrading mapping for the catchment.

For all datasets, provisional soil landscapes were established firstly on the dominant geomorphic processes responsible for the formation of the landscape and secondly on the geological parent material. Generally the boundaries of these provisional soil landscapes were mapped using stereoscopic interpretation of aerial photographs, topographic map data, and SPOT imagery. LANDSAT thematic mapper, ADS 40 imagery, DEM and radiometric imagery were also used to assist with perception and charting of provisional soil landscapes. For Moree Plains and the western part of the Murray, radiometrics correlated very well to different aged and type of alluvial/colluvial material and were used extensively to delineate soil map unit boundaries.

Map boundaries were captured on topographic map sheets at 1:25,000 or 1:100,000 scale or captured on-screen at approximately 1:10,000 scale. After field checking boundaries and detailed investigations of the soil, the provisional landscapes were confirmed, amalgamated or sub-divided. Soils have been examined and described in detail at over 8210 sites. At each site, soil morphological data and site information were recorded on Soil and Land Information System (SALIS) cards or through eDIRT. Sufficient field work was undertaken within each soil landscape to identify the range of soils present and to enable their distribution within the landscape to be described.

Constraints related to access and use

Field Value

Limitations on public access

Data Quality

Field Value



DQ Completeness Commission

Effective date



All polygons in the GIS layer are labeled with a MasterCode (CODE), MasterName (NAME), dominant geomorphic process group (Process_D) and sub-dominant geomorphic process group (Process_SD). Field, technical and general editing has occurred on this dataset.

DQ Conceptual Consistency

Effective date



Map unit concepts and polygons, major soil types and soil landscape descriptions have been field verified by a peer soil surveyor or soils quality officer. Soil landscape boundaries have been checked and refined using iterative field and aerial photo checks.

DQ Topological Consistency

Effective date



ArcGIS was used to ensure all polygons in the shape file are topologically correct. Water polygons have been removed from the spatial linework, and can be gaps within the mapping. All polygons have a unique identifier.

DQ Absolute External Positional Accuracy

Effective date



The accuracy of this map coverage varies across the mapping area, depending on the scale that the map polygon boundaries were created at. Soil boundaries using mapping published at 1:100,000 scale are generally accurate to within 100m. This includes all linework for Hawkesbury Nepean, Liverpool Plains, Merriwa Plateau, Moree Plains, ACT, Hunter-Central Rivers and some areas of the Murray catchment. In the remaining areas of the Murray, soil boundaries using SCRA reconnaissance level soil landscape mapping are generally accurate to within 250m and between 100-250m for the new updated reconnaissance mapping on Rosewood and Yarrangobilly 1:100,000 map sheets. Reconnaissance 1:250,000 Riverina mapping are accurate to within 250-500m. Map One shows the different mapping types and scales for Central and Eastern NSW. Observations and soil profiles were located using handheld GPS (accurate to 5 - 50 m) or using 1:25,000 topographic maps.

DQ Non Quantitative Attribute Correctness

Effective date



Soil landscape map units are individualised by unique combinations of soil type, topography, geology, geomorphic process containing variations in vegetation, land use, existing erosion/land degradation and constraints to development. The land and soil attributes in this product were predominately assessed using field observations, remote sensing interpretation (satellite, radiometric and ADS40) and limited laboratory analysis where available.

Responsible organisations

Field Value

Responsible party

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata on metadata

Field Value

Metadata point of contact

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata date


Metadata language