Field | Value |
Title |
Streambanks 3rd Order Strahler and Above - Cessnock LGA |
Abstract |
The Department of Planning provides support to Local Government to enable evidence-based planning decisions. Biodiversity and Conservation Division collaborated with Cessnock City Council in 2021-2022 to deliver environmental map layers (Environmental Lands Study) that facilitate council’s review of their Local Environment Plan. This dataset is one of those and maps all streambanks of larger streams in the 196,468-hectare Cessnock Local Government Area using the Strahler system to identify stream type. All tenures were mapped excluding National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) estate because they are formally reserved and protected under Local Environment Plans and were outside of the scope of the Environmental Lands Study. Data is in vector format and was produced to a scale range of 1:500 – 1:3000. The process for delineating streambanks for the Cessnock LGA began by mapping stream order, then adding LiDAR and NearMap imagery as a basemap. The technique of hillshading was then used to show the streambank top edge and topographic features of streambanks. All streams higher than 2nd order were buffered by 100m to create the area of interest (AoI) for mapping streambanks. High resolution Light (or Laser) Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) was converted to a hillshade to facilitate the delineation of 3rd order and above streambanks. Streambanks were mapped at a scale of 1:3,000 as lines using a pen graphic tablet and the dataset saved to a file geodatabase. |
Resource locator |
Data Quality Statement |
Name: Data Quality Statement Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download Description: Data quality statement for Streambank Mapping - 3rd Order Strahler and above - Cessnock LGA Function: download |
Cessnock Environmental Lands Study |
Name: Cessnock Environmental Lands Study Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download Description: The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s Biodiversity, Conservation and Science – Regional Delivery collaborated with Cessnock City Council in 2021 to 2022 to deliver a report and package of spatial data layers to inform an environmental lands study. It comprises 6 comprehensive map layers that collectively cover the entire Cessnock Local Government Area (LGA) and identify lands of environmental or ecological value. Function: download |
Download Package |
Name: Download Package Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download Description: Data (Shapefile and Geodatabase) Function: download |
Unique resource identifier |
Code |
20a54e2e-ea41-4cd2-9143-7d328539d5e3 |
Presentation form |
Map digital |
Edition |
1 |
Dataset language |
English |
Metadata standard |
Name |
ISO 19115 |
Edition |
2016 |
Dataset URI | |
Purpose |
Biodiversity assessment and legislative planning. |
Status |
Completed |
Spatial representation |
Type |
vector |
Spatial reference system |
Code identifying the spatial reference system |
4283 |
Spatial resolution |
2 m |
Field | Value |
Topic category |
Field | Value |
Keyword set |
keyword value |
WATER-Hydrology |
Originating controlled vocabulary |
Title |
ANZLIC Search Words |
Reference date |
2008-05-16 |
Geographic location |
West bounding longitude |
150.80129 |
East bounding longitude |
151.62356 |
North bounding latitude |
-33.13904 |
South bounding latitude |
-32.65055 |
NSW Place Name |
Cessnock LGA |
Vertical extent information |
Minimum value |
-100 |
Maximum value |
2228 |
Coordinate reference system |
Authority code |
urn:ogc:def:cs:EPSG:: |
Code identifying the coordinate reference system |
5711 |
Temporal extent |
Begin position |
2022-01-04 |
End position |
N/A |
Dataset reference date |
Resource maintenance |
Maintenance and update frequency |
As needed |
Contact info | |
Contact position |
Data Broker |
Organisation name |
NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water |
Telephone number |
131555 |
Email address |
Web address | |
Responsible party role |
pointOfContact |
Field | Value |
Lineage |
The object of this part of the Cessnock environmental lands study was to identify streambank edges accurately so that native vegetation within 40 m of a streambank edge could be mapped. Cessnock City Council will require this data for their LEP zoning framework specifically where the watercourse plus 40 m from the top of bank for third order streams or larger, comprises riparian and estuarine vegetation on waterfront land, consistent with the NSW Water Management Act 2000 or equivalent future legislation. To account for this legislative requirement, a buffer of 40 m was applied to mapped streambanks to ensure that any development or other activities consider the recommended riparian corridor widths as specified under the Act to establish and preserve the integrity of riparian corridors. The first step in mapping streambanks is to map stream order, which is undertaken using the Strahler system. The Strahler system (Strahler 1952, 1957) is based on the confluence of streams of the same order. A first order stream has no other streams flowing into it. When 2 streams with the same order join, the resulting stream has the next highest order than the joining streams. For example, when 2 second order streams join, the resulting stream is third order (DPI 2018). When 2 streams with different orders join, the resulting stream has the same order as the highest order of the 2 joining streams. For example, when a first and second order stream join, the downstream stream is second order. |
Field | Value |
Limitations on public access |
Field | Value |
Responsible party |
Contact position |
Data Broker |
Organisation name |
NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water |
Telephone number |
131555 |
Email address |
Web address | |
Responsible party role |
pointOfContact |
Field | Value |
Metadata point of contact |
Contact position |
Data Broker |
Organisation name |
NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water |
Telephone number |
131555 |
Email address |
Web address | |
Responsible party role |
pointOfContact |
Metadata date |
2024-08-27T22:09:37.475606 |
Metadata language |