

Field Value


The Native Vegetation of the Sydney Metropolitan Area - Version 3.1 (OEH, 2016) VIS_ID 4489

Alternative title(s)



This layer contains digital mapping of the native vegetation communities of the Sydney Metropolitan area. Vegetation communities have been derived from the analysis of 2200 floristic sites collated for the study area. Identified vegetation communities have been related to currently listed threatened ecological communities listed under the NSW TSC Act, 1995 and the Commonwealth EPBC Act, 1999. Native vegetation communities have been mapped using a combination of detailed image interpretation, relationships between sample sites and abiotic environmental variables. The derived digital data layer includes fields that describe the vegetation community, interpreted dominant species and understorey characteristics, interpretation confidence, disturbance type and severity, NSW vegetation formation and classes and related NSW Plant Community Types. These are described in detail in technical reports OEH (2016) The Native Vegetation of the Sydney Metropolitan Area. Volume 1: Technical Report. Version 3.0. Office of Environment and Heritage Sydney. OEH (2016) The Native Vegetation of the Sydney Metropolitan Area. Volume 2: Vegetation Community Profiles. Version 3.0. NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney. Version 3.0 of the Native Vegetation of the Sydney Metropolitan Area updates the Plant Community Type and Biometric Vegetation Type of each map unit.

Version 3.0 replaced version 2.0 (VIS_ID 3817) and created a seamless alignment between the GIS layer and the Plant Community and Biometric Vegetation Types in the Biodiversity Assessment Method tool. These were the only significant updates from version 2.0.

Version 3.1 is a minor update. Two new attribute fields were added - PCTID and PCTName. These fields align with the Bionet Vegetation map data standard v1.0( PCTID was populated by the v3.0 attribute field, PCT_code. PCTName was populated by extracting the corresponding PCT common name from the Bionet Vegetation Classification web service ( No other changes were made to the vegetation map.

VIS_ID 4489

Resource locator

Show on SEED Web Map

Name: Show on SEED Web Map

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Display dataset on SEED's map

Function: download

Data Quality Statement - Sydney Metro Area Veg Map, 2016

Name: Data Quality Statement - Sydney Metro Area Veg Map, 2016

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


DQS for Syd Metro Area veg map

Function: download

Web Map Service (WMS)

Name: Web Map Service (WMS)

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Connect to Web Map Service (view in GIS)

Function: download


Name: REST Service (JSON, SOAP)

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Sydney Metropolitan Area Vegetation - REST

Function: download

Download package

Name: Download package

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Data (v3.1) & documents

Function: download

Technical Report (Volume 1)

Name: Technical Report (Volume 1)

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Report (PDF)

Function: download

Vegetation Community Profiles (Volume 2)

Name: Vegetation Community Profiles (Volume 2)

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Report (PDF)

Function: download

Unique resource identifier



Presentation form

Map digital



Dataset language


Metadata standard


ISO 19115



Dataset URI


The purpose of the data is to provide a single detailed coverage of native vegetation communities in the Sydney metropolitan area using standardised vegetation classification. This classification is designed to relate to the objectives of the OEH vegetation information systems and to assist users with the assessment of threatened ecological communities listed under the NSW TSC Act and Commonwealth EPBC Act. It is designed to be used in conjunction with other sources on native vegetation in the study area including existing literature, field investigations and TEC determinations. Precautions are required when using TEC data and caveats noted in Volume 1 technical report (OEH 2016) should be noted.



Spatial representation



Geometric Object Type


Spatial reference system

Code identifying the spatial reference system


Spatial resolution

0 m

Additional information source

OEH (2016) The Native Vegetation of the Sydney Metropolitan Area. Volume 1: Technical Report. Version 3.0. Office of Environment and Heritage Sydney.OEH (2016) The Native Vegetation of the Sydney Metropolitan Area. Volume 2: Vegetation Community Profiles. Version 3.0. NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney.

Classification of spatial data and services

Field Value

Topic category


Field Value

Keyword set

keyword value





Originating controlled vocabulary


ANZLIC Search Words

Reference date


Geographic location

West bounding longitude


East bounding longitude


North bounding latitude


South bounding latitude


Vertical extent information

Minimum value


Maximum value


Coordinate reference system

Authority code


Code identifying the coordinate reference system


Temporal extent

Begin position


End position


Dataset reference date

Resource maintenance

Maintenance and update frequency


Contact info

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Quality and validity

Field Value


Linework was derived from a number of sources. 1. Woody/Non Woody cover boundaries were captured using 10cm resolution digital RGB orthographic aerial photography flown in 2005 & 2007 by Sinclair Knight Mertz (provided by SMCMA), using Definiens Developer 7 (refer to Vol 1 for more details) and manually corrected where necessary. A review of the woody-non woody line work currency has been completed using 2011 conurbanation imagery (AAM Hatch, 2011) based on user feedback of 2009 draft to highlight change. Woody-non woody boundary for urban parts of Pittwater LGA is based on a modified coverage of linework completed by Bangalay Ecological and Bushfire and Eastcoast Flora Survey (2011). Areas of Duffys Forest in Warringah LGA are modified from Smith and Smith (2005). 2. Vegetation community boundaries are sourced from stereoscopic interpretation of ADS-40 digital imagery available for the Wollongong-Port Hacking, Penrith and Sydney 1:100 000 map sheets (LPI, 2007-2009). This was supplemented by interpretation of 10cm resolution digital RGB orthographic aerial photography flown (AAM Hatch, 2011). 3. Vegetation community boundaries from existing digital data layers were included and modified where necessary using: Sydney Harbour Foreshores - Allen et al. (2007). Sandstone foreshores, saltmarshes and wetlands >0.1hectare Native Vegetation Warringah LGA - Smith and Smith (2005). Allenby Park, Manly Dam, Garigal NP and adjoining Crown lands, Duffys Forest Native Vegetation of the Woronora and Metropolitan Catchments - NPWS (2003b). Woronora and O’Hares Creek catchments Native Vegetation of the Northern Illawarra Escarpment - NPWS (2002c). Helensburgh area Draft Vegetation Mapping of Endangered Ecological Communities in Ku-ring-gai LGA - Ku-ring-gai Council (2011). Shale plateau vegetation and adjoining shale sandstone environments Estuarine Vegetation in the SMCMA - DPI (2009). Mangrove, saltmarshes and seagrass Pittwater Vegetation Classification, Vegetation - Bangalay Ecological and Bushfire and Eastcoast Flora Survey (2011). Contiguous vegetation cover only. Updated in 2016 with edits to PCTs & BVTs. Updated in 2018 with addition of attribute fields, PCTID & PCTName. PCTID was populated by PCT_code, and then linked to Bionet Vegetation Classification database to populate PCTName.

Constraints related to access and use

Field Value

Limitations on public access

Data Quality

Field Value



DQ Completeness Omission


Vegetation cover has been completed across all land tenures in the defined Sydney metropolitan study area. All polygons have been assigned attributes based on the fields described in Volume 1 of the Technical Report (OEH 2016)

DQ Conceptual Consistency


Geometry Appropriateness: Vegetation communities are delineated as polygons, suitable for the intended interpretation at scales of 1:5000; Completeness of Attributes: All fields have values entered, where appropriate; DomainValidation: Attribute domains are established; Consistency and Appropriate Attribute Value/ Precision: Quantitative attribution as text and integers (appropriate). Qualitative attribution used consistently. Record Duplication: No duplicates; Topological Relationship to Other Layers: Not applicable

DQ Topological Consistency


Geometry Topology: Topology validation was performed with a tolerance of 0.5 metres and all subsequent gaps and overlapping polygons fixed. Topology is correct.

DQ Absolute External Positional Accuracy


Woody-non Woody Precision: 2.3 metres (SD 3.4 metres) Determination: Measured independent assessment of 30 random transects using 269 sample points. Mapped linework compared to 2011 10cm orthorectified RGB digital imagery supplied for the Sydney Con-urbanation area (AAM Hatch 2011)

DQ Non Quantitative Attribute Correctness


Accuracy of woody-non woody cover is 97.3% based on an independent assessment of 2000 random points in 20 randomly located grids. Assessment of vegetation community accuracy is limited to the assessment of the 2009 draft using a non stratified independently collected data set of 262 sample sites. Based on the trends of this result, this suggests that the map is at least 62.5% accurate within 50 metres of a sample point located on the ground and assessed using standard 400sqm sample and collecting full floristic data with cover abundance scores. It is assumed that based on the high numbers of samples, inclusion of new and revised mapping since the 2009 draft and user feedback the accuracy experience is likely to be higher. Attribute accuracy for non vegetation attributes has not been assessed but is assumed to be high based on an ad-hoc review of map data and digital imagery.

Responsible organisations

Field Value

Responsible party

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata on metadata

Field Value

Metadata point of contact

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata date


Metadata language