Field | Value |
Title |
Vegetation community and river red gum canopy condition map of the Murray Valley National and Regional Park 2010 (Millewa Group). VIS_ID 3869 |
Alternative title(s) |
MurrayValMillewa_2010_E_3869 |
Abstract |
Native vegetation mapping of the Millewa Forest Section of the Murray Valley National Park (NSW).; ; This map was prepared to specifically show the spatial delineation of stem density and canopy condition categories of vegetation in the Barmah and Millewa Forest areas at 2010. This map was prepared using aerial photo interpretation (API) of ADS40 digital aerial photography captured in 2010.; ; The map was prepared by updating (linework and attribution) of existing vegetation mapping produced in 2005. The unpublished Binns map (Doug Binns of Forests NSW) was used a as source for underlying line work and vegetation type classification. The Binns map is a compilation of the best available vegetation mapping prepared for the NSW Natural Resources Commission (NRC NSW Riverina Red Gum Forests Assessment (NRC 2009). For the Millewa Forest area Binns sourced his linework from the Native Vegetation Mapping Program Deniliquin 1:100,000 map sheet (DLWC 2005).; ; In an effort to protect areas of the Riverina red gum forests the NSW Government gazetted Millewa forest as part of the Murray Valley National and Regional Parks under the NSW National Parks and Wildlife (Riverina Forests) Act 2010. VIS_ID 3869 |
Resource locator |
Data Quality Statement |
Name: Data Quality Statement Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download Description: Data quality statement for Vegetation community and river red gum canopy condition map of the Murray Valley National and Regional Park 2010 (Millewa Group). VIS_ID 3869 Function: download |
Vegetation MurrayValMillewa 2010 E 3869 |
Name: Vegetation MurrayValMillewa 2010 E 3869 Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download Function: download |
Unique resource identifier |
Code |
46c3b1fd-461d-43d8-a19b-897a36a218a9 |
Presentation form |
Map digital |
Edition |
unknown |
Dataset language |
English |
Metadata standard |
Name |
ISO 19115 |
Edition |
2016 |
Dataset URI | |
Purpose |
This map is part of a series of maps prepared for the Adaptive Management of the NSW /Victorian Riverina River Red Gum Reserves Program coordinated through NSW National Parks & Wildlife (a Division of the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage).;;The project was funded jointly by the Murray Darling Basin Authority, and the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage. ;;Maps produced in this series include: ;VIS_ID 3868 Part of the Murray River National Park (Vic) - part of Barmah Forest;VIS_ID 3870 Barmah National Park (Vic) - part of Barmah Forest ;VIS_ID 3869 Murray Valley National Parks (NSW) - whole of Millewa Forest |
Status |
Completed |
Spatial representation |
Type |
vector |
Spatial reference system |
Code identifying the spatial reference system |
4283 |
Equivalent scale |
1:None |
Additional information source |
Source: Source of original mapped polygons in composite map used as base linework (NVMP = Native Vegetation Mapping Program Denniliquin 1:100000 map sheet DLWC 2005); Benson-idc : NSW Vegetation Assessment and Classification Plant Community Type ID); Can_cond (Canopy Condition class): g=good 0-10% dead canopy, I = intermediate, 11-40% dead canopy,I/p= intermediate poor 41-80% dead canopy, p = poor 81-100% dead canopy); Percent canopy dead (Percent_d); Stem density (Stem_den); Stem density class (den_class): 1 = 0-199 stems per ha, 2 = 200-399 stems per ha, 3 = 400 -800 stems per ha, 4 = >800 stems per ha; Man-area = Adaptive management area, Zone = adaptive management zone; Vegetation Community (Veg_Commun); VCA_ID: NSW Vegetation Classification and Assessment ID; VCA Description (VCA_desc): revised_EV: Victorian Ecological Vegetation Class ID;EVC_desc (Victorian Ecological Vegetation Class);Canopy condition Vegetation community Area_ha: polygon area in hectares; ; Bowen S., Simpson S. L, Powell M, and Steenbeeke G (2012c) The Vegetation Communities of the Millewa Forest, Murray Valley National and Regional Parks. NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney, and Bowen, S., Powell, M., Cox S. J., Simpson S.L. and Childs P (2011) Riverina red gum reserves mapping program - Stage 1. NSW Office of Environment and Heritage.; ; Related VIS datasets:; MurrayRiverPark_2010_E_3868; Barmah_2009_2010_3870 |
Field | Value |
Topic category |
Field | Value |
Keyword set |
keyword value |
Originating controlled vocabulary |
Title |
ANZLIC Search Words |
Reference date |
2008-05-16 |
Geographic location |
West bounding longitude |
144.876 |
East bounding longitude |
145.42 |
North bounding latitude |
-36.023 |
South bounding latitude |
-35.622 |
Vertical extent information |
Minimum value |
-100 |
Maximum value |
2228 |
Coordinate reference system |
Authority code |
urn:ogc:def:cs:EPSG:: |
Code identifying the coordinate reference system |
5711 |
Temporal extent |
Begin position |
2010-06-01 |
End position |
N/A |
Dataset reference date |
Resource maintenance |
Maintenance and update frequency |
Not planned |
Contact info | |
Contact position |
Data Broker |
Organisation name |
NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water |
Telephone number |
131555 |
Email address |
Web address | |
Responsible party role |
pointOfContact |
Field | Value |
Lineage |
High resolution digital aerial photography was captured by the NSW Land and Property Management Authority (ADS40 Project) (May 2010; resolution 50cm). The ADS40 imagery was supplied as a 50cm resolution orthorectified, mosaicked and georeferenced product, and included true (blue, green, red) and false colour (near infrared, red, green) composites. Average absolute X, Y accuracy was 0.75m (95% confidence). |
Field | Value |
Limitations on public access |
Field | Value |
Scope |
dataset |
DQ Completeness Commission |
Effective date |
2001-01-01 |
Explanation |
complete |
DQ Completeness Omission |
Effective date |
2001-01-01 |
Explanation |
complete |
DQ Absolute External Positional Accuracy |
Explanation |
10 metres |
DQ Non Quantitative Attribute Correctness |
Explanation |
98% |
Field | Value |
Responsible party |
Contact position |
Data Broker |
Organisation name |
NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water |
Telephone number |
131555 |
Email address |
Web address | |
Responsible party role |
pointOfContact |
Field | Value |
Metadata point of contact |
Contact position |
Data Broker |
Organisation name |
NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water |
Telephone number |
131555 |
Email address |
Web address | |
Responsible party role |
pointOfContact |
Metadata date |
2024-08-28T02:15:12.219657 |
Metadata language |