

Field Value


Water Modelling-Modelled Data-Annual Permitted Take (APT)-Lachlan

Alternative title(s)



Annual permitted take (APT) is a critical component of sustainable resource management, balancing the need for water resource utilisation with the preservation of ecosystems. It is a crucial mechanism for ensuring the long-term annual sustainable diversion limits (SDLs) set under the Murray-Darling Basin Plan are not exceeded, and that enough water is available for the environment. APT is the maximum amount of water permitted to be taken for consumptive purposes each year, and has been enforced since July 2019

A method for determining APT is part of each water resource plans (WRPs) developed by the Basin states under the Commonwealth Water Act 2007. When the method is applied over the Basin Plan reference period (1895–2009), the annual APT must be equal to or less than SDL.

An APT model is a major component of the APT calculation method. It is used to calculate the APT that would be expected in a year, given that year’s water availability and climatic conditions. APT is calculated at the end of each year and compared to actual take in that year, with the difference added to a public register of take. SDL compliance is tracked using the cumulative difference (from water year 2019–20).

APT models are configured using estimates of the river management and development (public and private infrastructure) conditions in a river system across the water resource plan period. These estimates include:

• irrigated crop area and planting decisions

• water entitlement holders’ distribution and use patterns

• how storages are operated to supply water for consumption and the environment.

Resource locator

Data Quality Statement

Name: Data Quality Statement

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Data quality statement for Water Modelling-Modelled Data-Annual Permitted Take (APT)-Belubula

Function: download

412002 Lachlan@Cowra

Name: 412002 Lachlan@Cowra

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


The version of the Annual Permitted Take (APT) model as at 05/07/2023 with data covering period from 01/07/1895 to 30/06/2022. From the APT model version which is the most recent compliance model. Model is run using IQQM software version 7.95.0 RC5 [Rev3737 Dirty] from 01/01/1895.

Function: download

412057 Lachlan@Nanami

Name: 412057 Lachlan@Nanami

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


The version of the Annual Permitted Take (APT) model as at 05/07/2023 with data covering period from 01/07/1895 to 30/06/2022. From the APT model version which is the most recent compliance model. Model is run using IQQM software version 7.95.0 RC5 [Rev3737 Dirty] from 01/01/1895.

Function: download

412004 Lachlan@Forbes

Name: 412004 Lachlan@Forbes

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


The version of the Annual Permitted Take (APT) model as at 05/07/2023 with data covering period from 01/07/1895 to 30/06/2022. From the APT model version which is the most recent compliance model. Model is run using IQQM software version 7.95.0 RC5 [Rev3737 Dirty] from 01/01/1895.

Function: download

412036 Lachlan@DSJemalongWeir

Name: 412036 Lachlan@DSJemalongWeir

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


The version of the Annual Permitted Take (APT) model as at 05/07/2023 with data covering period from 01/07/1895 to 30/06/2022. From the APT model version which is the most recent compliance model. Model is run using IQQM software version 7.95.0 RC5 [Rev3737 Dirty] from 01/01/1895.

Function: download

412023 Island@Fairholme

Name: 412023 Island@Fairholme

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


The version of the Annual Permitted Take (APT) model as at 05/07/2023 with data covering period from 01/07/1895 to 30/06/2022. From the APT model version which is the most recent compliance model. Model is run using IQQM software version 7.95.0 RC5 [Rev3737 Dirty] from 01/01/1895.

Function: download

412017 Bumbuggan@Offtake

Name: 412017 Bumbuggan@Offtake

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


The version of the Annual Permitted Take (APT) model as at 05/07/2023 with data covering period from 01/07/1895 to 30/06/2022. From the APT model version which is the most recent compliance model. Model is run using IQQM software version 7.95.0 RC5 [Rev3737 Dirty] from 01/01/1895.

Function: download

412014 Goobang@Condobolin

Name: 412014 Goobang@Condobolin

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


The version of the Annual Permitted Take (APT) model as at 05/07/2023 with data covering period from 01/07/1895 to 30/06/2022. From the APT model version which is the most recent compliance model. Model is run using IQQM software version 7.95.0 RC5 [Rev3737 Dirty] from 01/01/1895.

Function: download

412034 Lachlan@CondobolinWeir

Name: 412034 Lachlan@CondobolinWeir

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


The version of the Annual Permitted Take (APT) model as at 05/07/2023 with data covering period from 01/07/1895 to 30/06/2022. From the APT model version which is the most recent compliance model. Model is run using IQQM software version 7.95.0 RC5 [Rev3737 Dirty] from 01/01/1895.

Function: download

412016 Wallamundry@OfftakeIsland

Name: 412016 Wallamundry@OfftakeIsland

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


The version of the Annual Permitted Take (APT) model as at 05/07/2023 with data covering period from 01/07/1895 to 30/06/2022. From the APT model version which is the most recent compliance model. Model is run using IQQM software version 7.95.0 RC5 [Rev3737 Dirty] from 01/01/1895.

Function: download

412021 Lachlan@BooberoiWeir

Name: 412021 Lachlan@BooberoiWeir

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


The version of the Annual Permitted Take (APT) model as at 05/07/2023 with data covering period from 01/07/1895 to 30/06/2022. From the APT model version which is the most recent compliance model. Model is run using IQQM software version 7.95.0 RC5 [Rev3737 Dirty] from 01/01/1895.

Function: download

412038 Lachlan@USWillandraWeir

Name: 412038 Lachlan@USWillandraWeir

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


The version of the Annual Permitted Take (APT) model as at 05/07/2023 with data covering period from 01/07/1895 to 30/06/2022. From the APT model version which is the most recent compliance model. Model is run using IQQM software version 7.95.0 RC5 [Rev3737 Dirty] from 01/01/1895.

Function: download

412039 Lachlan@HillstonWeir

Name: 412039 Lachlan@HillstonWeir

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


The version of the Annual Permitted Take (APT) model as at 05/07/2023 with data covering period from 01/07/1895 to 30/06/2022. From the APT model version which is the most recent compliance model. Model is run using IQQM software version 7.95.0 RC5 [Rev3737 Dirty] from 01/01/1895.

Function: download

412078 Lachlan@Whealbah

Name: 412078 Lachlan@Whealbah

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


The version of the Annual Permitted Take (APT) model as at 05/07/2023 with data covering period from 01/07/1895 to 30/06/2022. From the APT model version which is the most recent compliance model. Model is run using IQQM software version 7.95.0 RC5 [Rev3737 Dirty] from 01/01/1895.

Function: download

412005 Lachlan@Booligal

Name: 412005 Lachlan@Booligal

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


The version of the Annual Permitted Take (APT) model as at 05/07/2023 with data covering period from 01/07/1895 to 30/06/2022. From the APT model version which is the most recent compliance model. Model is run using IQQM software version 7.95.0 RC5 [Rev3737 Dirty] from 01/01/1895.

Function: download

412045 Lachlan@Corrong

Name: 412045 Lachlan@Corrong

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


The version of the Annual Permitted Take (APT) model as at 05/07/2023 with data covering period from 01/07/1895 to 30/06/2022. From the APT model version which is the most recent compliance model. Model is run using IQQM software version 7.95.0 RC5 [Rev3737 Dirty] from 01/01/1895.

Function: download

412026 Lachlan@Oxley

Name: 412026 Lachlan@Oxley

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


The version of the Annual Permitted Take (APT) model as at 05/07/2023 with data covering period from 01/07/1895 to 30/06/2022. From the APT model version which is the most recent compliance model. Model is run using IQQM software version 7.95.0 RC5 [Rev3737 Dirty] from 01/01/1895.

Function: download

Map View for data download

Name: Map View for data download

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


All the gauges are shown in this map (ESRI Rest Map Service Format), and the data can be downloaded by clicking each gauge in the map.

Function: download

Unique resource identifier



Presentation form

Document digital



Dataset language


Metadata standard


ISO 19115



Dataset URI


The data set provided contains flows at several gauges in each river system, as simulated by the annually extended APT model. Notwithstanding the model’s inherent limitations, these are a fair representation of those we would expect under current conditions development and operation rules. They can be compared with flows simulated by other key scenario models, such as long-term average annual extraction limit (LTAAEL) model or without development (WOD) model.



Spatial representation type


Spatial reference system

Code identifying the spatial reference system


Classification of spatial data and services

Field Value

Topic category


Field Value

Keyword set

keyword value



Originating controlled vocabulary


ANZLIC Search Words

Reference date


Geographic location

West bounding longitude


East bounding longitude


North bounding latitude


South bounding latitude


NSW Place Name

Lachlan Valley

Vertical extent information

Minimum value


Maximum value


Coordinate reference system

Authority code


Code identifying the coordinate reference system


Temporal extent

Begin position


End position


Dataset reference date

Resource maintenance

Maintenance and update frequency


Contact info

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Constraints related to access and use

Field Value

Limitations on public access

Responsible organisations

Field Value

Responsible party

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata on metadata

Field Value

Metadata point of contact

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata date


Metadata language