The vegetation & florisitcs of Boomi Nature Reserve is described and mapped (1:50 000). Six communities were mapped based on ground truthing, air photo interpretation and...
The Aboriginal Sites Decision Support Tool ASDST extends the Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System (AHIMS) by illustrating the potential distribution of site...
- SEED Web Map
v. 1. The plan final -- v. 2. Appendices final.
The LDPM data provides an outline of the performance of the NSW planning system and information on local and regional development determined by councils, private certifiers and...
Vegetation of the Wyong LGA, 1999. Broadly mapped the vegetation of this area based largely on aerial photographic interpretation and linked broad structural and floristic...
The extant native vegetation in the region covered by the Bellata, Gravesend, Horton and Boggabri 1:100 000 topographical map sheets was surveyed and mapped. The survey effort...
This digital soil landscape product contains natural resource mapping for the Merriwa. The Merriwa Plateau is located in the upper Hunter catchment including hills of the...
This publication is the final report of a project that assessed the baselines, drivers and trends for soil health and stability within the NSW Regional Forest Agreement (RFA)...
This shapefile contains the digital mapping of the Red-Hatched and Black-Hatched Non Certified Land under the the Order to confer biodiversity certification on the State...
Summary and overview, -- 1. Introduction, -- 2. Existing environment, -- 3. Description of proposal, -- 4. Proposed environmental safeguards and impact assessment, -- 5....