Cabravale Overland Flood Study - Report

The Cabravale Overland Flow Flood Study report was prepared for Fairfield City Council to define overland flood behaviour across the 11.5 km2 Cabravale study area. The flood study was overseen by Fairfield City Council’s Floodplain Risk Management Committee and technical and financial support was provided by the State Government under the Floodplain Management Program.

The study will serve to guide future development in a way that recognises the flood risk. The study will also serve as the basis for identifying options that may be implemented to reduce the existing flood risk as part of the subsequent floodplain risk management study and plan.

Dataset Source Details

This dataset is connected from the NSW Flood Data Portal

Source dataset project Cabravale Overland Flood Study
Source dataset link Cabravale Overland Flood Study - Report

Data and Resources

Metadata Summary What is metadata?

Field Value
Language English
Edition 07/03/2023
Purpose Land and Resource Management
Frequency of change As needed
Date of Asset Creation 2017-05-30
Date of Asset Publication 2023-02-24
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Geospatial Topic Disaster
NSW Place Name Lansvale, Carramar, Mt Pritchard, Cabramatta, Canley Vale, Fairfield and Villawood

Dataset extent

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
River Basin 213 - Sydney Coast and Georges River
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Attribution Fairfield City Council asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: "© State Government of NSW and Fairfield City Council 2023"