
The department employs monitoring and research initiatives to track the effectiveness of water management changes in safeguarding and enhancing water-dependent ecosystems. We are tasked with reporting on environmental outcomes in New South Wales (NSW).

To facilitate this, the department has established the Environmental Outcomes Monitoring and Research Program (EOMRP). This program ensures that decisions regarding the management of surface and groundwater environments are informed by scientific evidence. Efforts are underway to make the environmental data gathered through the EOMRP accessible to the public. This data can be categorised into three main groups:

1. Native fish data: Collected across various regions in NSW, this dataset comprises fish records obtained through environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys and baited remote underwater video surveys (BRUVs).

2. Freshwater turtle data: Also gathered across diverse regions in NSW, this dataset consists of freshwater turtle records obtained via baited remote underwater video surveys (BRUVs).

3. Water-dependent vegetation data (yet to be published): Collected across different regions in NSW, this dataset encompasses information on vegetation community condition, tree stand condition, and demographic condition, all represented as point-based data.

Note: If you would like to ask a question, make any suggestions, or tell us how you are using this dataset, please visit the NSW Water Hub which has an online forum you can join.

Data and Resources

    Data Access

    Please email to request access to this dataset. A Departmental representative will be in contact with you shortly, usually within 2 business days, with instruction on accessing the dataset. There may be a requirement to negotiate a data licence agreement.

  • Data quality statement for Environmental Outcomes Monitoring and Research...

Metadata Summary What is metadata?

Field Value
Language English
Edition 1.0
Purpose The intended use of the data collected through the Environmental Outcomes Monitoring and Research Program (EOMRP) includes: 1. POLICY DEVELOPMENT: Government agencies and policymakers can utilise this data to inform the development of policies related to water management and environmental conservation. 2. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: The data can aid in the effective management of surface and groundwater resources, helping to ensure their sustainability and resilience in the face of changing environmental conditions. 3. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT: Researchers and environmental organizations can analyse the data to assess the impact of human activities and climate change on water-dependent ecosystems, guiding mitigation and adaptation efforts. 4. PUBLIC AWARENESS AND EDUCATION: Making the data publicly accessible can enhance public awareness and understanding of environmental issues, fostering a sense of stewardship and encouraging community engagement in conservation efforts. 5. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH: The data can serve as valuable resources for scientific research, allowing for further exploration of ecological patterns, species distributions, and ecosystem dynamics. Overall, the data collected through the EOMRP serves as a crucial tool for informed decision-making, sustainable resource management, and the protection of water-dependent environments in New South Wales.
Frequency of change As needed
Keywords WATER,WATER-Surface
Metadata Date 2024-05-01
Date of Asset Creation 2024-04-29
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Geospatial Topic Environment
NSW Place Name NSW

Dataset extent

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Temporal Coverage From 2010-07-01
Datum GDA94 Geographic (Lat\Long)
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Attribution NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: "© State Government of NSW and NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 2025"
Groups Department of Planning and Environment—Water