Repealed - Greater Metropolitan Regional Environmental Plan No 2-Georges River Catchment
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Data quality statement for Greater Metropolitan Regional Environmental Plan...
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Data Quality Statement
Metadata Summary What is metadata?
Field | Value |
Language | English |
Alternative Title | Greater Metropolitan Regional Environmental Plan No 2-Georges River Catchment |
Edition | 1 |
Purpose | (1) The general aims and objectives of this plan are as follows:(a) to maintain and improve the water quality and river flows of the Georges River and its tributaries and ensure that development is managed in a manner that is in keeping with the national, State, regional and local significance of the Catchment,(b) to protect and enhance the environmental quality of the Catchment for the benefit of all users through the management and use of the resources in the Catchment in an ecologically sustainable manner,(c) to ensure consistency with local environmental plans and also in the delivery of the principles of ecologically sustainable development in the assessment of development within the Catchment where there is potential to impact adversely on groundwater and on the water quality and river flows within the Georges River or its tributaries,(d) to establish a consistent and coordinated approach to environmental planning and assessment for land along the Georges River and its tributaries and to promote integrated catchment management policies and programs in the planning and management of the Catchment,(f) to provide a mechanism that assists in achieving the water quality objectives and river flow objectives agreed under the Water Reform Package.(2) The specific aims and objectives of this plan are as follows:Environmental protection and water quality and river flows(a) to preserve and protect and to encourage the restoration or rehabilitation of regionally significant sensitive natural environments such as wetlands (including mangroves, saltmarsh and seagrass areas), bushland and open space corridors within the Catchment, by identifying environmentally sensitive areas and providing for appropriate land use planning and development controls,(b) to preserve, enhance and protect the freshwater and estuarine ecosystems within the Catchment by providing appropriate development,(c) to ensure that development achieves the environmental objectives for the Catchment.Regional role and land use(a) to identify land uses in the Catchment which have the potential to impact adversely on the water quality and river flows in the Georges River and its tributaries and to provide appropriate planning controls aimed at reducing adverse impacts on the water quality and river flows,(b) to conserve, manage and improve the aquatic environment within the Catchment which is a significant resource base for the aquaculture industry, by providing controls aimed at reducing pollution entering the Catchment’s watercourses,(c) to protect the safety and well being of the local and regional community in accordance with standards and processes aimed at improving the water quality and river flows in the Catchment to enable recreation,(d) to aid in the improvement of the environmental quality of Botany Bay in conjunction with other regional planning instruments. |
Frequency of change | Not planned |
Keywords | HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT-Planning |
Metadata Date | 2018-04-04 |
Date of Asset Creation | 1999-02-05 |
Date of Asset Revision | 2022-12-04 |
License | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
Equivalent Scale | 320000 |
Vector representation |
Geospatial Topic | Environment |
Extent |
Dataset extent |
Temporal Coverage From | 2018-03-23 |
Datum | GDA94 Geographic (Lat\Long) |
Legal Disclaimer | Read |
Attribution | NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: "© State Government of NSW and NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure 2025" |