Modelled Hillslope Erosion over New South Wales

This landing page is a collection of data packages and reports which supports the Modelled Hillslope Erosion over New South Wales.

Hillslope Erosion

Soil erosion by water includes sheet and rill erosion (also referred to as hillslope erosion) is a major form of land degradation in NSW landscapes. Hillslope erosion was calculated using the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) which estimates soil loss (t ha-1 yr-1) by runoff. Rainfall-runoff erosivity (R) factor (MJ mm ha-1 hr-1 yr-1) in RUSLE was estimated using a daily rainfall erosivity modelling for NSW and long-term rainfall records (Yang and Yu 2015). The soil erodibility (K) factor (t ha h ha-1 MJ-1 mm-1) was estimated from digital soil mapping products and soil profile data (Yang et al 2017). Slope length and steepness (LS, unitless) factor was calculated, on catchment basis, from hydrologically corrected digital elevation model (SRTM DEM-H) based on comprehensive algorithms considering cumulative overland flow length (Yang 2015). The time series groundcover products (the latest version, V310) from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) were used to estimate groundcover and RUSLE cover and management (C, unitless) factor (Yang 2014). Time-series hillslope erosion datasets and maps were produced on monthly and annual bases from 2000 to present. The state and trends of hillslope erosion across New South Wales are summarised in Yang (2020). The relevant references are below:

Cover Erosion

This occurs when there is vegetation or ground cover, like grasses, shrubs or leaf litter, on the slope. The cover helps protect the soil from direct raindrop impact, reduces the velocity of surface runoff, and increase infiltration. As a result, erosion rates tend to be lower because the cover acts as a natural barrier that holds soil in place.

Bare Soil Erosion

This takes place on slopes with exposed soil, lacking any form of vegetation or cover. Bare soil is more vulnerable to erosion because there's nothing to cushion the impact of rainfall or slow down water flow. The lack of cover results in higher runoff velocity, which intensifies erosion processes, leading to greater soil displacement, sediment transport and potentially faster degradation of the slope.

  1. Yang, X., Gray, J., Chapman, C., Zhu, Q., Tulau M., McInnes-Clarke, S. (2017). Digital mapping of soil erodibility for water erosion in New South Wales, Australia. Soil Research. 56(2), 158-170.

  2. Yang X (2015) Digital mapping of RUSLE slope length and steepness factor across New South Wales. Soil Research 53, 216-225.

  3. Yang X, Yu B (2015) Modelling and mapping rainfall erosivity in New South Wales, Australia. Soil Research. 53, 178-189.

  4. Yang X (2014) Deriving RUSLE cover factor from time-series fractional vegetation cover for soil erosion risk monitoring in New South Wales. Soil Research 52, 253-261.

  5. Yang X (2020) State and trends of hillslope erosion across New South Wales, Australia. Catena 186, 104361.

Interactive Map

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Data and Resources

Metadata Summary What is metadata?

Field Value
Language English
Edition 2
Purpose Data for land management and environment monitoring
Frequency of change As needed
Keywords SOIL-Erosion
Metadata Date 2018-03-20
Date of Asset Creation 2018-03-20
Date of Asset Revision 2023-08-03
Date of Asset Publication 2018-03-20
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Geospatial Topic Environment

Dataset extent

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Temporal Coverage From 2018-03-20 - 2023-08-03
Datum GDA94 Geographic (Lat\Long)
Legal Disclaimer Read
Attribution NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: "© State Government of NSW and NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 2018"
Groups 2019-20 Bushfire-related datasets: Compilation from the Science Economics and Insights Division
Modelled Hillslope Erosion over New South Wales
DOI doi:10.25948/5f0bd19c72d76
DOI Creator name Xihua Yang
DOI Resource Type Modelled Hillslope Erosion
DOI Resource Type General Description Dataset