Native Vegetation Management Benefits - Series 2

Native Vegetation Management Benefits (NVMB) mapping

NVMB mapping is a way of identifying the relative benefits to NSW biodiversity of protecting or restoring native vegetation. NVMB mapping is used for cross-tenure, whole-of-landscape conservation planning, decision support, prioritisation and scenario planning.

The NVMB method employs well-developed ecological theory to combine vascular plant records, bioclimatic data, vegetation condition mapping and connectivity analysis.

NVMB Series 2

Series 2 is a fully complementary set of NVMB layers with consistent units (with a range from zero to one), such that for any location, the set of benefit values across the set of NVMB layers sum to a single maximum level of overall potential benefit for that location, referred to as the 'Maximum Biodiversity Benefit' (MBB). MBB reflects each location's capacity to support species and communities which have been depleted across NSW. The schema describing the nesting of the set of layers is provided in the attached resource: NVMB Series2 chart. Two 'delta' (change) layers are included to represent what additional benefits can be achieved in 15 years of fostering regeneration (delta improve benefits) and through full restoration action (delta restore benefits). A 'manage and improve' layer quantifies the combined benefits conserved by managing existing vegetation, and the additional benefits that can accrue through fostering regeneration (over a nominal 15-year period).

All layers are derived from a common set of inputs. The various NVMB layers become differentiated through the application of variants of the ecological condition layer, at the final stage of developing the layers (current condition is used for manage benefits, partially restored condition for improve benefits, and fully restored condition for the restoration benefits).

Series 2 represents a slight but significant departure from previous NVMB versions. Previous versions were provided in 4 separate SEED records: Manage benefits; Improve benefits; Restore benefits; and Landscape benefits. The landscape value benefits from the previous version are now integrated into Manage, Improve and Restoration benefits. A new layer of Maximum Biodiversity Benefit is added.

End users will notice significant differences between previous versions and these Series 2 layers. Stage 2 puts greater emphasis on cross-scale ecological connectivity across the benefit layers rather than treating landscape connectivity separately. For example, cleared areas of highly diminished communities such as box-woodlands in the wheat-sheep belt, are only given the highest restore benefit value in areas that are also well connected to areas of existing native vegetation.


Series 2 is an update on the previous NVMB series (Series 1). Users may wish to employ Series 1 in cases where connectivity considerations are less (e.g., for large scale conservation actions - which produce their own 'critical mass'). In most cases Series 2 is the preferred source for conservation planning.

Due to the Series 2 layers forming an integrated set, they are provided together in a single SEED record. Because of the step change from previous version, Series 2 is reset as Series 2 v1.0.

Series 2 v1.0 is relevant to 2017. It does not consider the 2019-20 megafires or the degree of subsequent recovery. However, 2017 and 2020 NVMB surfaces have been produced in Series 1 (see below for more information).

More technical detail

The probabilistic method used for accumulating values draws on the 'equitable' approach (Drielsma and Love 2021) which applies 'diminishing returns' to connectivity, rather than the previous 'any additional unit of connectivity always provides proportionally more benefit'.

This series also incorporates the following advances:

  • use of continuous values in GDM/environmental space (i.e., no loss of information by unnecessarily reducing to discrete classes)

  • by incorporating an improved connectivity links approach (Drielsma et al. 2022), the new layers better consider how different locations can contribute to maintaining or restoring habitat linkages that allow species to move and migrate across landscapes

  • incorporation of generic REMP approach (Drielsma and Love 2021) for spatial context component

More information

For more detail on the NVMB Series 2 method view this presentation.

Series 1

The previous series of LVMB mapping can be found at the following SEED records: Manage benefits; Improve benefits; Restore benefits; Landscape benefits.


2017 and 2020 (post-megafire) NVMB surfaces have been produced in Series 1, for manage and restore. If comparing between 2017 and 2020 be sure to use outputs from the same series (i.e., series 1).

Climate-informed NVMB

Climate-informed versions of the manage benefits and restore benefits (Series 1 v.1) can be found here. These are being updated in 2024-24.


Drielsma MJ, Love J, & Thapa R 2023, Ecological models for reporting and conservation prioritisation - meeting the rising challenges, with examples from NSW, Australia. Presentation to the 6th International Ecosummit, Gold Coast 13-17 June 2023.

Drielsma MJ, Love J, Thapa R, Taylor S, & Williams KJ 2022, General Landscape Connectivity Model (GLCM): a new way to map whole of landscape biodiversity functional connectivity for operational planning and reporting. Ecological Modelling, Vol.465, pp.109858, doi:

Drielsma M, & Love J 2021, An equitable method for evaluating habitat amount and potential occupancy. Ecological Modelling, 440:109388, doi:

Drielsma MJ, Ferrier S, Howling G, Manion G, Taylor S, Love J (2014) The Biodiversity Forecasting Toolkit: Answering the 'how much', 'what' and 'where' of planning for biodiversity persistence, Ecological Modelling, 274:80-91.

Data and Resources

Metadata Summary What is metadata?

Field Value
Language English
Edition 1.0
Purpose Planning and prioritisation of conservation, restoration and improvement of native vegetation to maximise NSW biodiversity
Frequency of change As needed
Keywords HERITAGE-Natural,ECOLOGY-Landscape,LAND-Use,VEGETATION-Floristic
Field of Research (optional) Landscape Ecology
Metadata Date 2023-04-21
Date of Asset Creation 2023-03-20
Date of Asset Revision 2023-04-21
Date of Asset Publication 2023-05-15
Date of Next Update 2025-07-10
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Geospatial Topic Environment
NSW Place Name NSW

Dataset extent

Temporal Coverage From 2017-12-10 - 2030-12-10
Datum GDA94 Geographic (Lat\Long)
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Attribution NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: "© State Government of NSW and NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 2023"