NESP Biodiversity Hub Hunter Marine Park Multi Beam Echo Sounder Surveys

Gridded multi-beam echousounder (MBES) bathymetry data for Hunter Marine Park acquired using NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment MBES system aboard RV Bombora for the National Environmental Science Program (NESP Biodiversity Hub). Fieldwork was funded, both cash and in-kind, by NSW DPIE and NESP in Year 1 (2015) and 4 (2018) of the D3 Project. Initial surveys (2015) were exploratory as long-lines across the inner Special Purpose Zone (trawl) over the continental shelf with later surveys (2018) focused on 100% coverage over areas previously identified as containing the Key Ecological Feature ‘Continental Shelf Reef’. Reports by Davies et al (2016) 'Mapping Shelf Rocky Reef Habitats in the Hunter Commonwealth Marine Reserve', National Environmental Science Program Biodiversity Hub D3 Project –Evaluating and monitoring the status of marine biodiversity assets on the continental shelf; and Williams et al (2020) 'Mapping and characterising reef habitat and fish assemblages of the Hunter Marine Park', Project D3- Preparing for and implementing monitoring of CMR’s and the status of marine biodiversity assets on the continental shelf, Milestone Report December 2020; detail these MBES surveys as well as towed underwater video and BRUVs, to characterise seabed habitats, fish and sessile invertebrate assemblages of the Hunter Marine Park. Reports are available at Survey sites for focused mapping in 2018-19 were 1) 3-6 NM east and south-east of Seal Rocks - Sugarloaf Point, 2) Outer Gibber - a feature in 20-60m of water north-east of Broughton Islands and ~3-4 NM from shore and 3) 3-7 NM east to north-east of Broughton Island. MBES data were obtained using either a Geoswath 125 KHZ swath bathymetry system (2015) or a R2Sonic 2022 (2018) with Applanix Wavemaster POSMV with either Single-Base or Precise-Point-Positioning modules in POSView for improved vessel Smoothed Best Estimate of Trajectory. Data were cube modelled in Fledermaus/Qimera software to IHO 1B standard and cleaned-soundings exported before gridding by bin-weighted averaging at 5 m relative to Australian Height Datum and in grid coordinates as UTM WGS84 Zone56. Details on processing are provided at Data packages including bathymetry and backscatter in multiple formats are provided on the Australian Oceanographic Data Network (; Gridded data in geotif format are also provided on AusSeabed Data are not to be used for navigation purposes.

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  • Data quality statement for NESP Biodiversity Hub Hunter Marine Park Multi...

Metadata Summary What is metadata?

Field Value
Language English
Alternative Title NESP Biodiversity Hub D3 Project: bathymetry and backscatter of the seabed in the Hunter Marine Park
Edition 1
Purpose baseline for monitoring
Frequency of change Unknown
Keywords MARINE-Biology,MARINE-Coasts,MARINE-Reefs,MARINE-Geology-and-Geophysics
Field of Research (optional) Landscape Ecology,Wildlife and Habitat Management,Surveying incl Hydrographic Surveying,Geospatial Information Systems
Metadata Date 2020-10-10
Date of Asset Creation 2020-01-01
Date of Asset Publication 2020-12-16
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Vector representation
Record 1
Object type
Object count
Geospatial Topic Imagery base maps earth cover
NSW Place Name Port Stephens Great Lakes Worimi

Dataset extent

Temporal Coverage From 2019-10-20 - 2020-08-31
Datum WSG84 / UTM Zone 56S
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Attribution NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: "© State Government of NSW and NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 2020"