Repealed - State Environmental Planning Policy no. 71 - Coastal Protection

This is a repealed State Environmental Planning Policy and has been superseded by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Coastal Management) 2018. Please use this data accordingly.

The dataset contains the boundaries to which State Environmental Planning Policy No. 71 applies. State Environmental Planning Policy No. 71 aims to:

  • Foster a strategic and consistent approach to coastal planning and management.
  • Ensure that the coastal zone is managed and protected in accordance with ecologically sustainable development principles
  • Facilitate the assessment of development proposals, and assess each proposal on its individual merits
  • Set out matters for consideration by councils and consent authorities
  • Develop a review process for significant coastal development proposals, which includes development proposed in sensitive locations
  • Create a 'master plan' (now DCP) process to ensure developments involving particular types of subdivisions in the coastal zone are consistent with the SEPP's provisions

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    Data Access

    Please email to request access to this dataset. A Departmental representative will be in contact with you shortly, usually within 2 business days, with instruction on accessing the dataset. There may be a requirement to negotiate a data licence agreement.

  • DQS - State Environmental Planning Policy no. 71 - Coastal Protection

Metadata Summary What is metadata?

Field Value
Language English
Alternative Title SEPP 71 Coast Planning
Edition 1
Purpose Refer to the Abstract
Frequency of change As needed
Keywords BOUNDARIES-Administrative,HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT-Planning
Metadata Date 2017-02-28
Date of Asset Creation 2002-11-01
Date of Asset Revision 2014-02-22
Date of Asset Publication 2002-01-11
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Equivalent Scale 25000
Vector representation
Record 1
Object type
Object count
Geospatial Topic Planning cadastre

Dataset extent

Temporal Coverage From 2002-01-11 - 2014-02-22
Datum GDA94 Geographic (Lat\Long)
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Attribution NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: "© State Government of NSW and NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure 2002"