State Vegetation Type Map: Upper Hunter v1.0. VIS_ID 4894

This dataset was superseded by the State Vegetation Type Map ( on 24.06.2022.

The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) is producing a new map of the State’s native vegetation. This seamless map of NSW’s native vegetation types will enable government, industry and the community to better understand the composition and the relative significance of the native vegetation in their local area. The State Vegetation Type Map (SVTM) ( is constructed from the best available imagery, site survey records, and environmental information.

The primary thematic layer in this dataset is a regional scale map of Plant Community Type (PCT) - "quickview" map.

Where spatially coincident, this map of Upper Hunter (v1.0) supersedes the Greater Hunter Native Vegetation Mapping v4.0. VIS ID 3855 and was generated sourcing the following improvements:

  • A comprehensive revision of vegetation plot allocation to Plant Community Types (PCT), superseding GHM v4 Map Units.
  • Addition of 463 vegetation plots.
  • Comprehensive revision of aerial photo interpretation of Vegetation Photo Patterns (VPP) at 1:10,000. A relevant selection of PCT’s were nested and modelled within each VPP.
  • Utilisation of Boosted Regression Tree modelling in place of Generalised Dissimilarity Modelling
  • All manual aerial photo interpretation of VPP’s modelled PCT’s performed using high resolution 50cm ADS-40 aerial imagery in place of SPOT-5 2.5m imagery.
  • Semi-automated line work generated using high resolution 50cm ADS-40 aerial imagery in place of SPOT-5 2.5m imagery.
  • Climatic and topographic rule based envelopes were generated to constrain the maximum spatial envelope for each PCT. Each envelope was further manually edited.
  • Dry Sclerophyll communities further constrained by exposure and landform envelopes.
  • Selective integration of the following pre-existing maps to PCT: VIS1849, VIS3863, VIS3913, VIS4184, VIS4778
  • 312 vegetation communities mapped as PCT’s compared to 185 GHMv4 map units over this region.

QuickView map fields:

  • PCTID – Plant Community Type identifier.
  • PCTName – Plant Community Type common names
  • vegClass – The PCT’s Keith Class
  • vegFormation – The PCT’s Keith Formation
  • mapSource - The source of the polygon’s PCT attribution.
  • MapName – The 100k sheet map name

Note that this is a dissolved surface and does not highlight the fine internal line-work within each map unit. Please refer to the 100k full data sheets for the complete editable internal linework, which are available by request to

The data are provided in an ArcGIS 10.4 compatible file geodatabase.

Fields in the undissolved 100k sheet fine scale linework:

  • polygonID – Unique map polygon identifier
  • PCTID – Plant Community Type identifier
  • PCTName – Plant Community Type common name
  • vegetationClass – The PCT’s Keith Class
  • vegetationFormation – The PCT’s Keith Formation
  • mapSource - The source of the polygon’s PCT attribution. Possible values are:

    • Manual editing
    • Site Survey
    • Spatial Modelling
    • Pre-existing mapping: VIS1849
    • Pre-existing mapping: VIS3863
    • Pre-existing mapping: VIS3913
    • Pre-existing mapping: VIS4184
    • Pre-existing mapping: VIS4778
    • Expert Rules (see note on grassland attribution below)
  • PCTIDMod1 - The most likely Plant Community Type identifier as derived from the spatial model.

  • PCTIDMod2 - The second most likely Plant Community Type identifier as derived from the spatial model.
  • PCTIDMod3 - The third most likely Plant Community Type identifier as derived from the spatial model.
  • vegStruct - Vegetation Photo Pattern (VPP) as derived from manual aerial photo interpretation of 50cm ADS40 imagery.

Possible values for vegStruct include direct attribution of some PCT’s where possible in addition to these Vegetation Photo Patterns listed below:

  • vegStruct (VPP) Description

    • 0 Non Native
    • 1 Candidate Grasslands
    • 2 Dry Sclerophyll
    • 3 Wet Sclerophyll
    • 5 Floodplain Forest
    • 7 Non Woody Wetlands
    • 8 Grass Open Woodlands
    • 10 Rainforests
    • 11 Riparian Forests
    • 12 Acacia Woodlands
    • 13 Shrublands
    • 15 Mallee
    • 16 Rocky Outcrops
    • 17 Belah
    • 100 Dry Rainforest
  • PCTmapAccuracyConfidence - Modelling Confidence for PCTIDMod1 – Note that this reflects the modelling surface (PCTIDMod1) only and may not reflect the confidence of the mapped attribution (PCTID). PCTallocationConfidence can only be accurately applied to the published map surface (PCTID) where mapSource = ‘Spatial Modelling’.

  • PCTSiteValidation - Type of field validation used to assess PCT reliability: Possible Values are:

    • Not validated
    • RPD (Rapid)
    • Full floristic validation
    • Unknown

Full details will be provided in the pending Technical Report.

VIS_ID 4893

Data and Resources

Metadata Summary What is metadata?

Field Value
Language English
Alternative Title HunterUpperSVM_v1_0_PCT_E_4894
Edition 1.0
Purpose This dataset was developed under the OEH State Vegetation Map project to provide government and community with regional scale information about native vegetation.
Frequency of change Unknown
Keywords BOUNDARIES-Biophysical,ECOLOGY-Landscape
Metadata Date 2019-01-07
Date of Asset Creation 2019-01-07
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Equivalent Scale 25000
Geospatial Topic Environment
NSW Place Name Upper Hunter

Dataset extent

Temporal Coverage From 2018-01-01 - 2018-12-20
Datum GDA94 Geographic (Lat\Long)
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Attribution NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: "© State Government of NSW and NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 2024"