Vegetation Mapping - Walgett Shire (East), North West NSW VIS_ID 804

DLWC Existing Vegetation Map of Eastern Walgett RVC (Walgett Shire east of the Barwon River). ; Dataset has been generated in the National Heritage Trust Project, Vegetation Mapping, North West Slopes and Plains' on behalf of the North West Slopes and Plains Vegetation Committee (a sub group of the North West Catchment Management Committee). (VIS_ID 804; ANZLIC: ANZNS0359090013); ; Landuse/Landcover and Vegetation relationships assessed as uniform attributes, expressed as polygon data. ; Attributes Mapped include:; Land Cover/Land Use (11 classes: 53 sub classes); ; Timber Regrowth (5 classes); ; Timber and Shrub Canopy Density (12 classes); ; Understory (9 classes); Cultivation History (24 classes); ; North West Vegetation Associations.

Data and Resources

Metadata Summary What is metadata?

Field Value
Language English
Alternative Title dlwc_east_walg_VISmap_804
Edition unknown
Purpose Vegetation Mapping
Frequency of change Unknown
Metadata Date 1999-01-09
Date of Asset Creation 1999-09-01
Date of Asset Revision 2011-04-08
Date of Asset Publication 2010-07-23
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Equivalent Scale 25000
Vector representation
Record 1
Object type
Object count
Geospatial Topic Biota

Dataset extent

Temporal Coverage From 1998-01-07 - 1999-01-09
Datum GDA94 Geographic (Lat\Long)
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Attribution NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: "© State Government of NSW and NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 2010"