Water Regulations Data (BoM) - Turbidity of surface water

The Bureau of Meteorology (Bureau) receives water data, measured at stations around Australia, from organisations named in the Water Regulations (2008). Time series data collected from approximately 6500 measurement stations across Australia are available. This includes the following nine data subcategories:

  • Watercourse Level (Water Regulations subcategory 1a)
  • Watercourse Discharge (Water Regulations subcategory 1b)
  • Storage Level (Water Regulations subcategory 3a)
  • Storage Volume (Water Regulations subcategory 3b)
  • Rainfall (Water Regulations subcategory 4a)
  • Electrical Conductivity of surface water @ 25C (Water Regulations subcategory 9a)
  • Turbidity of surface water (Water Regulations subcategory 9d)
  • pH of surface water (Water Regulations subcategory 9g)
  • Temperature of surface water (Water Regulations subcategory 9h)

The above data subcategories are available in the Water Data Online product -

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Data and Resources

Metadata Summary What is metadata?

Field Value
Language English
Purpose The aim of this dataset is to bring together water data from many different organisations around Australia and make it available in one place.
Frequency of change Weekly
Metadata Date 2024-07-15
License 3rd party licence
Geospatial Topic Inland waters

Dataset extent

Temporal Coverage From 1990-03-23
Datum GDA94 Geographic (Lat\Long)
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