
Kempsey Shire in northern NSW is in the Macleay River valley and has a population of 28,000 and area 3,381 sq. kilometres


The NSW Government has brought in wide-ranging reforms to ensure the long-term health and sustainability of our waterways. The Macleay River Floodplain Project (MRFP) is an initiative of council to improve the environment. It is a partnership between government, community and industry to find common ground and improved outcomes for coastal floodplain management.

The MRFP is a positive development and an exciting move towards improving the environmental problems associated with the Lower Macleay Floodplain.

The Macleay Valley consists of approximately 11,500 km² of catchment above Kempsey and almost 400km² of floodplain below Kempsey. The objective of the MRFP is to establish a consensus approach to improving the overall environmental condition and water quality of the Macleay River floodplain. This will be achieved by establishing landholder management groups and the development of individual area management plans.



Field Value
Jurisdiction New South Wales Government
Email ksc@kempsey.nsw.gov.au
Organization Source https://flooddata.ses.nsw.gov.au/organization/kempsey-shire-council