Aggregated metadata on environmental monitoring and observing activities from three Australian national research infrastructures (NRIs): biodiversity survey events from the...
Summary of terrestrial environmental monitoring and observation effort by networks associated with three Australian National Research Infrastructures from 2010 to the present...
Summary of marine environmental monitoring and observation effort by networks associated with three Australian National Research Infrastructures from 2010 to the present...
Vocabulary for categorising Earth Science survey and monitoring efforts based on the features observed. This vocabulary is based on the Global Change Master Directory (GCMD,...
Summary of species occurrence data from 1900 to 2020 for Australian marine species organised by IMCRA region and status as an introduced or invasive species using the Global...
Summary of species occurrence data from 1900 to 2020 for Australian terrestrial species organised by IBRA region and status as an introduced or invasive species using the Global...
Summary of species occurrence data from 1900 to 2020 for Australian marine species organised by IMCRA region and EPBC status. Counts are provided by species and IMCRA region...
Summary of species occurrence data from 1900 to 2020 for Australian terrestrial species organised by IBRA region and EPBC status. Counts are provided by species and IBRA region...
Summary of species occurrence data from 1900 to the present for Australian marine species organised by IMCRA region and CAPAD protection status. Counts are provided by species...
Summary of species occurrence data from 1900 to the present for Australian terrestrial species organised by IBRA region and CAPAD protection status. Counts are provided by...