ACT wetland mapping, classification and assessment: November 2016 (Third Edition)

This product is the result of wetland mapping, classification and an assessment of climate change impacts on wetlands in the ACT to determine their climate change vulnerability. It comprises two datasets: the classification (HGL_ACT_Wetland_Class_Nov_2016) and the assessment (HGL_ACT_Wetland_Assess_Nov_2016). The assessment uses the management areas developed in the ACT HGL framework project as planning units (Cowood et al. 2016 - Expansion of landscape characterisation methods within the Hydrogeological Landscape Framework: application in the Australian Capital Territory). Mapping of management areas allows for detailed hazard assessments to understand the patterns in the chosen variables, facilitating management within the HGL framework and consideration of landscape setting when identifying suitable locations to undertake management actions.

The wetland mapping is a compilation of existing spatial layers and API validation, with classification as per the Australian National Aquatic Ecosystem Framework (AETG 2012). The wetland assessment uses the current (1990-2009) and near future (2020-2039) time periods from the NARCliM Project (Olson et al. 2014 - NARCliM Climatological Atlas. NARCliM Technical Note 4), but individually assesses consensus, wet-cool extreme and dry-hot extreme scenarios. Variables used in this assessment represent indicators of current anthropogenic pressure, future hydrological change in water sources and losses and future ecological change in vascular plant and amphibian communities. Statistical methods are used to group wetlands that are projected to experience similar levels of change in the future determining their climate change vulnerability and the principle components of change driving the variability. The variables are first attributed to the management areas across the ACT and then allocated to wetlands located within each management area. Hydrological change variables were refined for individual wetlands considering the unique water balance equations.

Data and Resources

Metadata Summary What is metadata?

Field Value
Language English
Alternative Title ACT_Wetlands_Nov_2016
Edition Third
Purpose This data package was generated for the ACT Environment and Planning Directorate as a component of the ACT Hydrogeological Landscapes (HGL) Framework project. The focus of this project was to assess impacts of climate change on wetlands and on land degradation issues related to salinity and erosion in the ACT.
Frequency of change Irregular
Keywords WATER-Wetlands,ECOLOGY-Ecosystem,HAZARDS,LAND-Use
Metadata Date 2017-05-23
Date of Asset Creation 2016-11-05
Date of Asset Revision 2020-11-05
Date of Asset Publication 2017-05-22
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Equivalent Scale 50000
Vector representation
Record 1
Object type
Object count
Geospatial Topic Biota
NSW Place Name Australian Capital Territory

Dataset extent

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Temporal Coverage From 2016-05-11 - 2017-05-22
Datum GDA94 / MGAZone 55
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Attribution NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: "© State Government of NSW and NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 2017"