Hydrogeological Landscapes of the Central West Local Land Services Region: Nov 2020 (First Edition)

This dataset supersedes much of the area covered by previous CW CMA and Western CW catchment HGL assessments. It is bounded by the Central West LLS regional boundary rather than the old CW CMA boundary. For CW CMA areas that fall outside the CW LLS boundary, please refer to the Residual Hydrogeological Landscapes of the Central West CMA Catchment: Nov 2020 dataset.

The Hydrogeological Landscape (HGL) concept provides a structure for the understanding of how salinity manifests itself in the landscape and how differences in salinity are expressed across the landscape. A HGL spatially defines areas of similar salt stores and pathways for salt mobilisation. The process of HGL determination relies on the integration of a number of factors: geology, soils, slope, regolith depth, and climate; an understanding of the differences in salinity development; and the impacts (land salinity/salt load/water electrical conductivity) in landscapes. Information sources such as soils maps, site characterisation, salinity site mapping, hydrogeological conditions and surface and groundwater data are combined to develop standard templates for each HGL. The focus of this dataset is the Central West LLS region. It comprises introductory information on HGLs; HGL unit descriptions; digital maps and spatial data.

Spatial resolution for this product is 1:250 000.

Data and Resources

Metadata Summary What is metadata?

Field Value
Language English
Alternative Title Central West LLS HGL - 2020
Edition First
Purpose This data package was generated for Central West Local Land Services (CW LLS) to modify and extend existing HGL unit boundaries to the new CW LLS regional footprint. Unit descriptions were revised accordingly.
Frequency of change Not planned
Keywords WATER-Salinity,SOIL,LAND-Use,HAZARDS,GEOSCIENCES-Geomorphology
Metadata Date 2024-06-28
Date of Asset Creation 2020-11-30
Date of Asset Publication 2024-07-03
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Equivalent Scale 250000
Geospatial Topic Geoscientific information
NSW Place Name Central West LLS region

Dataset extent

Temporal Coverage From 2018-01-01 - 2020-11-30
Datum GDA94 / NSW Lambert
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Attribution NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: "© State Government of NSW and NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 2024"